Cheri  Williams

Cheri   Williams




PhD: The Ohio State University Columbus, OH, (Language, Literature, and Reading)


Peer Reviewed Publications

Williams, C. & Beam, S. (2019. ) Technology and writing: Review of research .Computers & Education, , 128 ,227-242.

Lowrance-Faulhaber, E. & Williams, C. (2019. ) A kindergarten teacher's beliefs and approaches to writing instruction with dual language learners .Dimensions of Early Childhood, , 47 (3 ) ,27-31.

Williams, C. (2018. ) Learning to write with Interactive Writing .The Reading Teacher , , 71 (5 ) ,523-532

Williams, C. & Lowrance-Faulhaber, E. (2018. ) Writing in young bilingual children: Review of research .Journal of Second Language Writing, , 42 ,58-69.

Ramanayake, S. & Williams, C. (2017. ) "I don't know why I'm learning this": Preservice English teachers' engagement in a language development course .International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, , 29 (3 ) ,

West, J.A. & Williams, C. (2015. ) Grounding our teaching in research: Implications from Research in the Teaching of English, 2009-2012. .English Journal, , 104 (6 ) ,17-24.

Beam, S. & Williams, C. (2015. ) Technology-mediated writing instruction in the early literacy program: Perils, procedures, and possibilities .Computers in the Schools, , 32 (3-4 ) ,260-277.

Williams, C. & Mayer, C. (2015. ) Writing in young deaf children .Review of Educational Research, , 85 (4 ) ,630-666.

Johnson, H., Ehrlich, S., Watts-Taffe, S., & Williams, C. (2014. ) “Who am I here?”: Disrupted identities and gentle shifts when teaching in cyberspace .Journal of Instructional Research, , 3 ,43-54.

Watts-Taffe, S., Ehrlich, S., Williams, C., & Johnson, H. (2014. ) A preliminary examination of program effectiveness related to the online preparation of reading specialists .Journal of Reading Education , , 40 (1 ) ,43-49.

Wang, Y. & Williams, C. (2014. ) An investigation on the meta-analyses of reading research with students who are d/Deaf and hard of hearing and students who are hearing. .American Annals of the Deaf, , 159 (4 ) ,323-345.

Beam, S., Williams, C., & Bridgman, B. (2013. ) Trends in literacy research among elementary learners .Ohio Reading Teacher , , 43 (1 ) ,3-13

Williams, C. (2012. ) Promoting vocabulary learning in young children who are deaf or hard of hearing: Translating research into practice. American Annals of the Deaf, , 156 (5 ) ,501-508.

Bridgman, B., Williams, C., & Beam, S. (2012. ) Literacy research on adolescent and adult learners: Identifying research trends .The California Reader , , 46 (2 ) ,23-28.

Williams, C., Sherry, T., Robinson, N., & Hungler, D. (2012. ) The practice page as a mediational tool for interactive writing instruction .The Reading Teacher, , 65 (5 ) ,330-340.

Williams, C. & Piolnieta, P. (2012. ) Using interactive writing instruction with kindergarten and first grade English Language Learners .Early Childhood Education Journal , , 40, ,145-150.

Williams, C. (2011. ) Adapted interactive writing instruction with kindergarten children who are deaf or hard of hearing .American Annals of the Deaf, , 156 (1 ) ,23-34.

Williams, C. (2009. ) Word study instruction in the K-2 classroom .The Reading Teacher, , 62 (7 ) ,570-578.

Williams, C. (2009. ) Interactive writing as informed assessment with highly capable young children .Gifted Education International, , 25(1), ,14-21.

Schirmer, B. R., & Williams, C. (2008. ) Evidence based practices are not reformulated best practices .Communication Disorders Quarterly, , 29 (3 ) ,166-168.

Williams, C. & Lundstrom, R. (2007. ) Strategy instruction during word study and interactive writing activities .The Reading Teacher, , 61 (3 ) ,204-212.

Williams, C. & Phillips-Birdsong, C. (2006. ) Word study instruction and second grade children's independent writing .Journal of Literacy Research, , 38 (4 ) ,427-465.

Williams, C. & Hufnagel, K. (2005. ) The impact of word study instruction on kindergarten children's journal writing .Research in the Teaching of English, , 39 (3 ) ,233-270.

Williams,C. (2004. ) The emergent literacy of deaf children .Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, , 9 (4 ) ,352-365.

Beckham-Hungler, D. & Williams, C. (2003. ) Teaching words that students misspell: Spelling instruction and young children's writing .Language Arts, , 80 (4 ) ,299-308.

Brotherton, S. & Williams,C. (2002. ) Interactive writing in a Title 1 literacy program .Journal of Reading Education, , 27 (3) ,8-19.

Rymer, R & Williams, C. (2000. ) Wasn't that a spelling word? Spelling instruction and young children's writing .Language Arts, , 77(3), ,241-249.

Williams, C. (1999. ) Preschool deaf children's use of signed language during writing events .Journal of Literacy Research, , 31 (2), ,183-212.

Yaffe, D. & Williams, C. (1998. ) Why women chose to participate in a family literacy program and factors that contributed to the program’s success .Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, , 42(1), ,8-19.

Williams, C. & McLean, M. (1997. ) Young deaf children's response to picture book reading in a preschool setting .Research in the Teaching of English, , 31(3), ,59-88.

Lempert, D. & Williams, C. (1997. ) Successful first grade readers: Why some do not choose to read for enjoyment .Journal of Reading Education, , 22(2), ,43-59.

Williams, C. (1995. ) Preschool teachers' theoretical and pedagogical stances on the language and literacy development of deaf and hard-of-hearing children: Implications for teacher preparation and in-service programs .American Annals of the Deaf, , 140 (1), ,56-64.

Williams, C. (1994. ) The language and literacy worlds of three profoundly deaf preschool children .Reading Research Quarterly, , 29 (2 ) ,125-155.

Williams, C. (1993. ) Learning to write: Social interaction among preschool auditory/aural and total communication children .Sign Language Studies, , 80, ,267-284.

Invited Publications

Williams, C. (2012. ) Promoting vocabulary learning in young children who are deaf or hard of hearing: Translating research into practice .American Annals of the Deaf, 156(6), ,501-508.

Published Books

Peter V. Paul, Ye Wang, & Cheri Williams (2013. ) Deaf Students and the Qualitative Similarity Hypothesis: Understanding Language and Literacy Development .Washington, DC , Gallaudet University Press (Co-Author)

Book Chapter

Schirmer, B. R. & Williams, C. (2011 ) Approaches to reading instruction Oxford Handbook of Deaf Studies, Language, and Education, .(pp. 115-129).).New York, NY, Oxford University Press

Schirmer, B. R., & Williams, C. (2003 ) Approaches to teaching reading Oxford Handbook of Deaf studies, Language, and Education, .(pp. 110-122).).New York, NY, Oxford University Press

Williams, C. (2003 ) Deaf children in inclusive early childhood classrooms Early childhood classroom processes: A view through an ethnographic lens .(pp. 165-206.).Cresskill, NJ, Hampton Press, Inc

Williams, C. (1996 ) Dealing with the data: Ethical issues in case study research Ethics and representation in qualitative studies of literacy .(pp. 40-57).).Urbana, IL, NCTE

Additional Publications


Williams, C. (2003. ) Teacher as Researcher .(pp. 3-6)).National Council of Teachers of English

Williams, C. (2001. ) Reflections on the Whole Language phenomenon .(pp. 3-5)).National Council of Teachers of English

Rymer, R. & Williams, C. (2000. ) Response to Raszinki: A Letter to the Editor. (pp. 88-89), 78(1).).


Invited Presentations

Williams, C. (2019. ) Empirical Perspectives on Writing Instruction with Deaf Learners .International Conference on Teaching Deaf Learners, Haarlem, The Netherlands.

Williams, C. (2016. ) Writing Instruction for Deaf Students in Mainstream Settings: Deaf Learners Want to Write! .International Conference on Educating Deaf and Hard-of-hearing Learners in the Mainstream, Rochester, NY USA.

Williams, C. (2007. ) The Importance of Reading and Writing Experiences in the Preschool Years .International Conference on Early Learning , Istanbul, Turkey.

Paper Presentations

Beam, S. & Williams, C. (2020. ) Composing Texts with Digital Tablets in Kindergarten .San Francisco.

Williams, C. & Beam, S. (2019. ) Teaching Writing with Technology in K-12 Classrooms: A Research Synthesis .Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Beam, S. & Williams, C. (2018. ) Technology and Young Children’s Growth as Writers .Houston, TX.

Williams, C., Stanton, T., & Shin, D.S. (2018. ) "I don't know how to say it in English.": Bilingual children learning-to-write in kindergarten .New York, NY.

Williams, C. & Stanton, T. (2018. ) Writing Instruction that Supports and Complicates Early Childhood L2 Writing .Chicago, IL.

Lowrance-Faulhaber, E. & Williams, C. (2017. ) Teaching Writing to Young English Learners: A Kindergarten Teacher’s Perceptions and Pedagogies .Seattle, WA.

Williams, C. & Lowrance-Faulhaber, E. (2016. ) Early Writing Instruction in Young Bilingual Children: A Review of the Research Literature .Chicago, IL.

Beam, S. & Williams, C. (2015. ) The Impact of Technology on Writing and Writing Instruction in K-12: Review of the Literature .St. Louis, MO.

Wang, Y. & Williams, C. (2015. ) An Examination of the Meta-Analyses on Reading Research with Deaf and Hearing Students: Implications for Pedagogy and Practice .Chicago, IL.

Beam, S. & Williams, C. (2015. ) Technology-mediated Writing Instruction in the Early Literacy Program: Perils, Procedures, and Possibilities .Chicago, IL.

Beam, S. & Williams, C. (2014. ) Using Digital Technologies to Support Kindergarten’s Children’s Learning-to-Write .New Orleans, LA.

Wertz, J. & Williams, C. (2013. ) (Re)Inventing the Future of English and Research on the English Language Arts: Insights from Research in the Teaching of English, 2009-2012 .Boston, MA.

Williams, C. (2013. ) Evidence-based Approaches to Writing Instruction for Young Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children .San Antonio, TX.

Watts-Taffe, S., Ehrlich, S., Johnson, H., & Williams, C. (2012. ) Examining Program Effectiveness related to the Online Preparation of Reading Specialists .San Diego, CA.

Williams, C. & Mayer, C. (2012. ) Research on Writing Development in Young Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children .Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Williams, C. (2011. ) Pencils and Paper and Subject Positions: Paired Writing Activities in First Grade .Chicago, IL.

Williams, C. & Hungler, D. (2011. ) Power and Positioning in Learning to Write: Children’s Perceptions of Mediational Tools for Writing .Washington, DC.

Williams, C. & Beam, S. (2014. ) Composing Texts with Multimedia Technologies in Kindergarten .Paris, France.

Williams, C. (2010. ) Adapted Interactive Writing Instruction with Young Deaf Children .Denver, CO.

Williams, C. (2009. ) Building Leadership through Teacher Professional Development .Philadelphia, PA.

Williams, C. (2009. ) The Practice Page as a Mediational Tool for Interactive Writing Instruction .San Diego, CA.

Williams, C., Hungler, D., Robinson, N., & Sherry, T. (2008. ) From ‘Sharing the Pen’ to Writing Independently .Columbus, OH.

Williams, C. (2007. ) Tools of the Mind and Tools of the Trade: Strategy Instruction during Word Study and Interactive Writing Activities .Chicago, IL.

Williams, C., Hungler, D., Robinson, N., & Sherry, T. (2007. ) Interactive Writing as an Approach to Beginning Writing Instruction .New York, NY.

Williams, C. (2006. ) The Word Wall as a Mediational Tool for Writing .Nashville, TN.

Williams, C. (2006. ) When ‘Word Work’ doesn’t Work Well .Chicago, IL.

Williams, C. (2006. ) Word Savvy in Second Grade .San Francisco, CA.

Williams, C. (2005. ) Struggling Writers Learn to Spell: Interactive Writing and Spelling Instruction .Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Williams, C. & Phillips-Birdsong, C. (2004. ) The Impact of Word Study Instruction on Second Graders’ Independent Writing .Indianapolis, IN.

Williams, C. (2004. ) Teacher Research on Word Study Instruction and Interactive Writing .Reno, Nevada.

Schirmer, B. & Williams, C. (2004. ) What Matters Most in Reading Instruction with Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students .Reno, Nevada.

Williams, C. (2004. ) Interactive Writing as a Bridge between Word Study Instruction and First Grade Children’s Independent Writing .San Diego, CA.

Williams, C. & Lundstrom, R. (2003. ) Word Study Instruction in a Title 1 Reading Program: Impact on First Grade Children's Independent Writing .Chicago, IL.

Williams, C. & Hufnagel, K. (2003. ) The Impact of Word Study Instruction on Kindergarten Children’s Independent Journal Writing .Chicago, IL.

Williams, C. (2002. ) Word Study Instruction and Young Children’s Literacy Development .Edinburgh, Scotland.

Brotherton, S. & Williams, C. (2000. ) Interactive Writing in a Title I Remedial Reading Program .Indianapolis, IN.

Rymer, R. & Williams, C. (1999. ) “Tat maks me happe,” and Other Strong Spellings: Examining the Mis-representations of Formal Spelling Instruction and Assessment .Denver, CO.

Williams, C. (1999. ) Guided Writing in a Kindergarten Class for Deaf Children: An Innovative Approach to Writing Instruction .Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Williams, C. & Rymer, R. (1999. ) Freedom from Tradition: Reconsidering the Role of Spelling Instruction in Children's Writing Development .Cincinnati, OH.

Schirmer, B. & Williams, C., Wool, L., & Truax, R. (1999. ) Supporting the Literacy Development of Deaf Children: Building Bridges between Home, School, and University .Cincinnati, OH.

Williams, C. & McLean, M. (1996. ) Response to Literature as a Pedagogical Approach: An Investigation of Young Deaf Children's Response to Picturebook Reading .New York, NY.

Williams, C. (1995. ) Confronting Ethical Issues in Qualitative Research on Young Deaf Children's Emergent Literacy Development .San Francisco, CA.

Williams, C. (1994. ) Hearing-Impaired Preschool Children's Use of Verbal Language during Writing Events: A Comparison to Hearing Children's Use of Oral Language .New Orleans, LA.

Williams, C. (1993. ) Report of the Promising Researchers .Pittsburgh, PA.

Williams, C. (1993. ) Auditory/Oral and Total Communication Preschoolers Learning to Write: Examining Communication Modalities from a Social Construction of Literacy Perspective .Atlanta, GA.

Williams, C. (1992. ) Reconceptualizing the Relationship between Oral Language Development and Language Acquisition and Early Literacy Development of Profoundly Deaf Preschool Children: A Case Study .San Antonio, TX.

Williams, C. (1992. ) Challenging the Assumption that Oral Language Proficiency Must Precede Literacy Learning: Insights from the Language Experiences and Early Literacy Learning of Profoundly Deaf Preschool Children .Louisville, KY.

Williams, C. (1992. ) Preschool Teachers' Theoretical and Pedagogical Stances on the Language and Literacy Development of Hearing-Impaired Children .Cincinnati, OH.

Williams, C. (1992. ) The Early Literacy Development of Three Profoundly Deaf Preschool Children: Implications for Classroom Practice .Orlando, FL.

Williams, C., Kantor, R., & Pinnell, G.S. (1992. ) The Language and Literacy Worlds of Three Profoundly Deaf Children: Informing Developmental Theory .San Francisco, CA.

DeFord, D., White, N., & Williams, C. (1991. ) Factors Related to Success in Literacy Instruction for High Risk Students: Analysis of the Impact of Writing in Reading Recovery Tutoring Settings .Chicago, IL.

Honors and Awards

2013 Best Research Paper Award. AERA SIG Research on the Education of Deaf Persons. Status:Recipient Level:National

2010 Academy of Fellows for Teaching and Learning. Status:Recipient Level:University

2009 Golden Apple Award for Teaching in Literacy. University of Cincinnati, School of Education. Status:Recipient Level:Department

2002 Outstanding Service Award. University of Cincinnati, Division of Teacher Education. Status:Recipient Level:Department

2002 Affiliate Journal of the Year Award. National Council for Teachers of English, Ohio Journal of the English Language Arts. Status:Recipient Level:Professional Org.

1998 Outstanding Article of the Year Award. IRA, Journal of Reading Education. Status:Recipient Level:Professional Org.

1997 Best Research Paper Award. AERA SIG Research on the Education of Deaf Persons. Status:Recipient Level:National

1995 Best Research Paper Award. AERA SIG Research on the Education of Deaf Persons. Status:Recipient Level:National

1993 Promising Researcher Award. National Council for Teachers of English. Status:Recipient Level:National


Gallaudet University: Scientific Advisory Board, (Science of Learning Center on Visual Language & Visual Learning )

Office of Special Education Programs: Early Childhood Intervention Doctoral Training Consortia, (Program Faculty )

Faculty Development Activities

2017 Units of Study in Reading & Writing Curriculum. Teachers College, Columbia University New York, NY. Type:Continuing Education Program

Contact Information