Wanda O Wilson , PhD, CRNA
Associate Professor of Clinical; Director, Anesthesia
PhD: University of Cincinnati College of Nursing Cincinnati, OH, 1998 (Nursing)
MSN: University of Cincinnati College of Nursing Cincinnati, OH, 1994 (Nursing)
BSN: University of Cincinnati College of Nursing and Health Cincinnati, OH, 1992 (Nursing)
BS: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH, 1986 (General Science)
Diploma: Cincinnati General Hospital School of Anesthesia Cincinnati, OH, 1972 (Nurse Anesthesia)
Diploma: Holzer Medical Center School of Nursing Gallipolis, OH, 1969 (Nursing)
Positions and Work Experience
2003 -To Present Associate Professor of Nursing, Tenure Tract, University of Cincinnati College of Nursing, Cincinnati, OH
2001 -2003 Associate Professor Clinical Nursing, University of Cincinnati College of Nursing, Cincinnati, OH
2001 -2002 Anesthesia Consultant, Baxter Pharmaceutical Products, In, New Providence, NJ
01-01-1998 -To Present Program Director, University of Cincinnati College of Nursing Nurse Anesthesia Major, Cincinnati, OH
1998 -To Present Legal Consultant, Legal Case Reviews,
1997 -1998 Interim Assistant Director, University of Cincinnati College of Nursing Nurse Anesthesia Major, Cincinnati, OH
1995 -To Present Assistant Director, Anesthesia Services, University Hospital, Cincinnati, OH
1994 -2001 Adjunct Assistant Professor; Volunteer, University of Cincinnati College of Nursing Nurse Anesthesia Major, Cincinnati, OH
10-1993 -1998 Chief Nurse Anesthetist, University of Cincinnati Medical Center Department of Anesthesia, Cincinnati, OH
12-1991 -1998 Clinical Coordinator, University of Cincinnati College of Nursing Nurse Anesthesia Major, Cincinnati, OH
1990 -1994 Anesthesia Staff, Shriners Burns Institute, Cincinnati, OH
1985 -2005 Anesthesia Staff, Our Lady of Mercy Hospital, Cincinnati, OH
05-1984 -12-1991 Anesthesia Instructor/Staff, University of Cincinnati Medical Center, University Anesthesia Associates and Nurse Anesthesia Program, Cincinnati, OH
01-1982 -05-1984 Anesthesia Staff, Good Samaritan Hospital, Cincinnati, OH
Published Abstracts
(08-1999. ) Assessment of Validity and Reliability of a Neurophysicologic Evoked Potential Instrument .[Abstract]The Jouranl of American Association of Nurse Anesthetists,
Peer Reviewed Publications
Wilson, WO (12-2006. ) Sharing of Nurse Anesthesia Resources: Clinical .AANA Journal, ,
Koch, E; Downey, P; Kelly, J & Wilson, W (2001. ) The Case for Teaching History to Student Nurse Anesthetists .AANA Journal, , 69 (3 ) ,179 -183
Other Publications
Wilson, WO (09-2006. ) LMA and Airway Management in Outpatient Surgery .Outpatient Surgery,
Doyle, K & Wilson, WO (08-2006. ) Management of the Difficult Airway: Use of the Laryngeal Mask Airway in 3 Cases .Advanced Knowledge in Healthcare, Inc, McMahon Publishing Group
Wilson, WO & McKay, E (05-2006. ) Inhaled Anesthetics: Maximizing the Benefits of the LMA in Outpatient Surgery .Advanced Knowledge in Healthcare, Inc., McMahon Publishing Group
Wilson, WO (2005. ) Inhaled Anesthetics in LMA: Airway Management with Inhaled Anesthetics .Anesthesia Today, 16 (1 ) ,
WIlson, WO (03-2003. ) Anesthesia for the Obese Patient .Anesthesiology News,
Book Chapter
Wilson, WO (2008 ) Opioids and Nonopioids Nurse Anesthesia .Philadelphia, WB Saunders Co
Wilson, WO (2004 ) Opioids and Nonopioids Nurse Anesthesia .Philadelphia, WB Saunders Co
Wilson, WO (2000 ) Opioids and Nonopioids Nurse Anesthesia .Philadelphia, WB Saunders Co
Invited Presentations
Wilson, W (11-2007. ) Educator's Perspective of Nursing Workforce Shortage .NOA, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Wilson, W (10-2007. ) AANA Update ; Anesthesia Considerations with Herbal Medication ; LMAs and Inhaled Anesthetic Agents ; Postoperative Ischemic Optic Neuropathy .Georgia Association of Nurse Anesthetists, Savannah, GA.
Wilson, W (10-2007. ) AANA Update ; Anesthesia Considerations with Herbal Medicine ; LMAs and Inhaled Anesthetic Agents ; Postoperative Ischemic Optic Neuropathy .New Mexico Association of Nurse Anesthetists, Albuquerque, NM.
Wilson, W (10-2007. ) AANA Update ; Anesthesia Considerations with Herbal Medication ; LMAs and Inhaled Anesthetic Agents .Nebraska Association of Nurse Anesthetists, Lincoln, Nebraska.
Wilson, W (10-2007. ) AANA Update .Nurse Anesthesiology Faculty Association, Williamsburg, VA.
Wilson, W (09-2007. ) AANA Update ; LMAs and Inhaled Anesthetic Agents .South Carolina Association of Nurse Anesthetists, Charleston, SC.
Wilson, W (09-2007. ) AANA Update .Ohio State Association of Nurse Anesthetists, Columbus, OH.
Wilson, W (09-2007. ) Leadership .University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing Preceptor Dinner, Philadelphia, PA.
Wilson, W (09-2007. ) AANA Update ; Postoperative Ischemic Optic Neuropathy .New York Association of Nurse Anesthetists, Rochester, NY.
Wilson, W (07-2007. ) AANA Open Forum .Kentucky Association of Nurse Anesthetists, Louisville, KY.
Wilson, W (05-2007. ) LMA and Inhaled Anesthetic Agents .Local Educational Meeting, Long Island, NY.
Wilson, W (04-2007. ) AANA Update ; Wellness: Our Future ; Political Action Funds .West Virginia Association of Nurse Anesthetists State Meeting, White Sulfur Springs, WV.
Wilson, W (04-2007. ) Postoperative Optic Ischemic Neuropathy ; LMA and Inhaled Anesthetic Agents .Alabama Association of Nurse Anesthetists State Meeting, Destin, FL.
Wilson, W (03-2007. ) LMA and Inhaled Anesthetic Agents .Local Educational Meeting, Columbus, OH.
Wilson, W (03-2007. ) LMA: Difficult Airway and Inhaled Anesthetic Agents .Miami Valley Hospital Educational Seminar, Dayton, OH.
Wilson, W (02-2007. ) Airway Management and the LMA ; AANA Update .Minneapolis School of Nurse Anesthesia Educational Seminar, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Wilson, W (01-2007. ) Difficult Airway Management with the LMA ; AANA Update .Mississippi Association of Nurse Anesthetists, Jackson, Mississippi.
Wilson, W (10-2006. ) Desflurane and Bariatric Surgery .Minnesota Association of Nurse Anesthetists, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Wilson, W (09-2006. ) Anesthesia for Interventional Radiological Procedures ; Pharmacological and Anesthetic Considerations for the Trauma Patient ; Pharmacological and Anesthetic Considerations for the Adult Patient with Asthma ; Pharmacological and Anesthetic COnsiderations for Intra-Abdominal Hyperthermic Chemotherapy ; Pharmacological Techniques for Intra-operative Neurophysiologic Monitoring ; NPO Status and Aspiration Pneumonitis .LACES Meeting, Gulf Shores, Alabama.
Wilson, W (08-2006. ) Clinical Comparison of Modern Inhaled Anesthetic Agents .Local Educational Meeting, Dayton, OH.
Wilson, W (07-2006. ) Anesthesia Considerations for the Burned Patient ; Anesthesia for Interventional Radiological Procedures ; NPO Status and Aspiration ; Anesthesia Considerations for the Adult of Asthma ; Anesthesia for the Trauma Patient .Premier Anesthesia Seminars, Orlando, FL.
Wilson, W (07-2006. ) NPO Status and Aspiration ; Anesthesia Considerations for the Adult with Asthma; Anesthesia for the Trauma Patient .Mississippi Association of Nurse Anesthetists, Tunica, Mississippi.
Wilson, W (05-2006. ) NPO and Aspiration ; Clinical Comparison of Modern Inhaled Anesthetics ; Herbal Medicines and Anesthesia Considerations ; Patient Safety ; Anesthesia Considerations for the Burned Patient .IPGE Kiawah Island Meeting, Kiawah Island, SC.
Wilson, W (05-2006. ) History of Inhaled Anesthetic Agents and Modern Clinical Comparison .Michigan Association of Nurse Anesthetists State Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Wilson, W (05-2006. ) AANA Update .Kentucky State Association of Nurse Anesthetists State Meeting, Louisville, KY.
Wilson, W (05-2006. ) Cost Comparison of Anesthetics .Local Education Meeting, Cleveland, OH.
Wilson, W (05-2006. ) Airway Management ; Conscious Sedation .University of Cincinnati College of Nursing, Cincinnati, OH.
Wilson, W (04-2006. ) Clinical Comparison of Modern Inhaled Anesthetics .Educational Lecture for Four of the Philadelphia's Nurse Anesthesia Programs, Philadelphia, PA.
Wilson, W (04-2006. ) Clinical Comparison of Modern Inhaled Anesthetics .Local Education Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA.
Wilson, W (04-2006. ) Clinical Comparison of Modern Inhaled Anesthetics .Local Education Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts.
Wilson, W (03-2006. ) Clinical Comparison of Modern Inhaled Anesthetics .Local Education Meeting, Saginaw, MI.
Wilson, W (03-2006. ) Clinical Comparison of Modern Inhaled Anesthetics .Local Education Meeting, Edina, Minnesota.
Wilson, W (03-2006. ) Clinical Comparison of Modern Inhaled Anesthetics .Local Education Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA.
Wilson, W (03-2006. ) LMA Use with Inhaled Anesthetic Agents ; Update and Review on PONV .West Virginia State Association of Nurse Anesthetist Spring Meeting,
Wilson, W (03-2006. ) Postoperative Ischemic Optic Neuropathy .Ohio State Association of Nurse Anesthetist Spring Meeting, Columbus, OH.
Wilson, W (02-2006. ) Clinical Comparison of Modern Inhaled Anesthetics .Local Education Meeting, Flint, MI.
Wilson, W (02-2006. ) Sharing Nurse Anesthesia Program Resources: Clinical .AANA Assembly School Faculty, Newport Beach, CA.
Wilson, W (02-2006. ) Techniques for Smooth Application of Desflurane .Local Education Meeting, Houston, TX.
Wilson, W (01-2006. ) NPO and Aspiration ; Clinical Comparison of Modern Inhaled Anesthetics ; Herbal Medicines and Anesthesia Considerations ; Patient Safety ; Anesthesia Considerations for the Burned Patient .IPGE Lake Tahoe Ski Meeting, Lake Tahoe, Nevada.
Wilson, W (01-2006. ) Clinical Comparison of Modern Inhaled Anesthetics .Local Education Meeting, Montgomery, Alabama.
Wilson, W (01-2006. ) Considerations with Herbal and Alternative Complimentary Medicines ; Control of Heart Rate and Blood Pressure during Outpatient Surgery .Ohio Dental Society Meeting, Cincinnati, OH.
Wilson, W (12-2005. ) Clinical Comparison of Modern Inhaled Anesthetics .Local Education Meeting, Orlando, FL.
Wilson, W (10-2005. ) Clinical Comparison of Modern Inhaled Anesthetics .Local Education Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
Wilson, W (10-2005. ) Volatile Anesthetic Update ; AANA Update .Florida Association of Nurse Anesthetists State Meeting, Jacksonville, FL.
Wilson, W (10-2005. ) Clinical Comparison of Modern Inhaled Anesthetics .Missouri Association of Nurse Anesthetists State Meeting, Branson, Missouri.
Wilson, W (10-2005. ) Herbal Medicines and Anesthesia Considerations ; NPO and Aspiration ; Clinical Comparison of Modern Inhaled Anesthetics .Illinois Association of Nurse Anesthetists State Meeting, Chicago, IL.
Wilson, W (09-2005. ) Anesthesia and the Trauma Patient ; Malignant Hyperthermia Update ; Infectious Diseases -- Hepatits and AIDS .Kentucky Association of Nurse Anesthetist State Meeting, Lexington, KY.
Wilson, W (05-2005. ) Patient Safety ; Comparison of Modern Inhaled Anesthetics ; Anesthesia Considerations for the Adult with Asthma ; Perioperative Heart Rate Control ; NPO and Aspiration .LACES Meeting, Gulf Shores, Alabama.
Wilson, W (04-2005. ) Comparison of Modern Inhaled Anesthetics .WANA State Meeting, Madison, WI.
Wilson, W (03-2005. ) Anesthesia Considerations for Interventional Radiological Procedures ; What's New with Inhaled Anesthetics? .MANA State Meeting, Dearborn, Michigan.
Wilson, W (03-2005. ) Anesthesia: The Overweight Patient and Surgery .Hurley Thirteenth Annual Anesthesia Seminar, Frankenmuth, MI.
Wilson, W (03-2005. ) Anesthesia for the Trauma Patient .Dannemiller Anesthesia Update Seminar, Orlando, FL.
Wilson, W (02-2005. ) Looking Good with Modern Inhaled Anesthetics .Local Education Meeting, Madison, Wisconsin.
Wilson, W (02-2005. ) Nurse Anesthesia Accreditation, Education and Certification .AANA-ASA Thought Bridge Meeting at AANA Assembly of School Faculty, Ft Lauderdale, FL.
Wilson, W (01-2005. ) Comparison of Modern Inhaled Anesthetics .Evanston Northwestern Healthcare School of Anesthesia Seminar, Chicago, IL.
Wilson, W (01-2005. ) Anesthesia and the Overweight Patient ; Health Privacy Information and HIPAA .FANA State Meeting, St Augustine, FL.
Wilson, W (07-2004. ) Modern Inhaled Anesthetics for Long Surgical Procedures .Local Education Meeting, Walton Beach, FL.
Wilson, W (07-2004. ) Smooth Techniques with Inhaled Anesthetic Agents .Local Education Meeting, Cleveland, OH.
Wilson, W (06-2004. ) Transderm Scopolamine for PONV .Local Education Meeting, Warren, OH.
Wilson, W (06-2004. ) Looking Good with Modern Inhaled Anesthetic Agents .Local Education Meeting, Chagrin Falls, OH.
Wilson, W (05-2004. ) Smooth Techniques with Modern Inhaled Anesthetics .Local Education Meeting, Erie, PA.
Wilson, W (05-2004. ) Looking Good with Modern Inhaled Anesthetics .Local Education Meeting, Buffalo, NY.
Wilson, W (05-2004. ) Smooth Techniques with Modern Inhaled Anesthetics .KYANA State Meeting, Louisville, KY.
Wilson, W (05-2004. ) Obstetrical Anesthesia Update .AWHONN Kentucky-Ohio Meeting, Erlanger, KY.
Wilson, W (05-2004. ) Smooth Techniques with Modern Inhaled Anesthetic Agents .Local Education Meeting, Grand Rounds, Delaware.
Wilson, W (04-2004. ) AANA Update .OSANA Spring Meeting, Cincinnati, OH.
Wilson, W (04-2004. ) AA's: What is the Big Picture? .Cherry Blossom Meeting, Washington, DC.
Wilson, W (04-2004. ) Looking Good with Modern Inhaled Anesthetics .Local Education Meeting, Lexington, KY.
Wilson, W (04-2004. ) Anesthesia for the Burned Patient ; Anesthesia for Interventional Radiological Procedures ; Evoked Potentials: Intraoperative Neurophysiological Assessment ; Anesthesia Considerations for the Adult with Asthma .ARANA State Meeting, Hot Springs, Arkansas.
Wilson, W (04-2004. ) Looking Good with Modern Inhaled Anesthetics .Local Education Meeting, Grand Rounds, NC.
Wilson, W (04-2004. ) Transderm Scopolamine for PONV .Local Education Meeting, Columbus, OH.
Wilson, W (03-2004. ) Anesthesia Considerations for the Obese Patient .Local Education Meeting, Toledo, OH.
Wilson, W (01-2004. ) Remarks from the AANA .PANA National Nurse Anesthetist Week Celebration, Harrisburg, PA.
Wilson, W (11-2003. ) AANA Update .Delaware Association of Nurse Anesthetists, Newark, Delaware.
Wilson, W (11-2003. ) Suprane Speakers' Training Meeting .Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Wilson, W (11-2003. ) The Role of Modern Inhaled Anesthetics in Long Surgical Procedures .Virginia Association of Nurse Anesthetists, Virginia Beach, VA.
Wilson, W (10-2003. ) Perioperative Heart Rate Control ; Update on Herbal Medications .Kentucky Association of Nurse Anesthetists State Meeting, Lexington, KY.
Wilson, W (10-2003. ) Anesthesia for the Obese Patient ; AANA Update ; Update on Anesthesiologists' Assistants .Maryland State Association of Nurse Anesthetist State Meeting, Ocean City, MD.
Wilson, W (10-2003. ) Anesthesia and the Burn Patient ; Anesthesia for Interventional Radiological Procedures .OSANA State Meeting, Columbus, OH.
Wilson, W (10-2003. ) Airway Management with Modern Inhaled Anesthetics .TANA State Meeting, Franklin, TN.
Wilson, W (10-2003. ) Looking Good with Modern Inhaled Anesthetics .Pittsburgh Local Educational Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA.
Wilson, W (10-2003. ) Suprane ; Transderm Scopolamine .Minneapolis Local Educational Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Wilson, W (09-2003. ) Clinical Comparison of Modern Inhaled Anesthetics ; Anesthesia for Interventional Radiological Procedures .North Carolina Association of Nurse Anesthetists, Myrtle Beach, SC.
Wilson, W (06-2003. ) Clinical Comparison of Inhaled Anesthetics ; AANA Update .TANA District Meeting, Knoxville, TN.
Wilson, W (06-2003. ) Clinical Comparison of Inhaled Anesthetics .VANA District Meeting, Tysons Corner, VA.
Wilson, W (05-2003. ) Anesthesia for the Patient Taking Herbal Medicines ; Anesthesia for Interventional Radiological Procedures .Alabama Association of Nurse Anesthetists State Meeting, Destin, FL.
Wilson, W (05-2003. ) Administration of Desflurane Anesthesia to Morbidly Obese Patients ; AANA Update ; Patient Safety .OSANA Spring Meeting, Painesville, OH.
Wilson, W (04-2003. ) AANA Update ; Anesthesiologist Assistant: The Ohio Experience .District of Columbia Association of Nurse Anesthetists Cherry Blossom Anesthesia Conference, Washington, DC.
Wilson, W (04-2003. ) Airway Management Techniques Using Modern Inhaled Anesthetics .University of Buffalo Nurse Anesthesia Program, Buffalo, NY.
Wilson, W (04-2003. ) Clinical Comparison of Modern Inhaled Anesthetics for the Neurosurgical Patient .Buffalo Local Education Meeting, Buffalo, NY.
Wilson, W (04-2003. ) Looking Good with Modern Inhaled Anesthetics .Minneapolis Local Educational Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Wilson, W (03-2003. ) Anesthesia for the Obese Patient ; Clinical Comparison of Modern Inhaled Anesthetics .Hurley Medical Center Anesthesia Seminar, Frankenmuth, MI.
Wilson, W (03-2003. ) Anesthesia for the Obese Patient ; Techniques for the Smooth Application of Suprane .West Virginia Association of Nurse Anesthetists, White Sulphur Springs, WV.
Wilson, W (02-2003. ) Clinical Comparison of Modern Inhaled Anesthetics .Local Educational Meeting, Little Rock, Arkansas.
Wilson, W (02-2003. ) Suprane and the Obese Patient .Baxter National Sales Meeting, Phoenix, AZ.
Wilson, W (01-2003. ) Clinical Comparison of Modern Inhaled Anesthetics .Northwestern University Hospital Educational Program, Chicago, IL.
Wilson, W (11-2002. ) AANA Update .Delaware Association of Nurse Anesthetists State Meeting, Newark, Delaware.
Wilson, W (10-2002. ) Perioperative Heart Rate Control .Michigan Association of Nurse Anesthetists State Meeting, Traverse City, MI.
Wilson, W (10-2002. ) Anesthesia for the Obese Patient ; Herbal Medications: Anesthesia Considerations .Kentucky Association of Nurse Anesthetists State Meeting, Lexington, KY.
Wilson, W (10-2002. ) AANA Update .Pennsylvania Association of Nurse Anesthetists State Meeting, Reading, PA.
Wilson, W (09-2002. ) Using Suprane Safely and Effectively ; Anesthesia and the Burn Patient .Annual Senior Seminar, Troy, MI.
Wilson, W (09-2002. ) AANA Update .OSANA, Columbus, OH.
Wilson, W (08-2002. ) Anesthesia and the Obese Patient .AANA Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL.
Wilson, W (08-2002. ) Techniques for the Smooth Application of Suprane .Local Educational Meeting, Portsmouth, VA.
Wilson, W (07-2002. ) Techniques for the Smooth Application of Suprane .Local Educational Meeting, El Paso, TX.
Wilson, W (06-2002. ) Regional Anesthesia Workshop - Spinals and Epidurals .IFNA World Congress, Helsinki, Finland.
Wilson, W (05-2002. ) Techniques for the Smooth Application of Suprane .Local Educational Meeting, St Louis, Missouri.
Wilson, W (05-2002. ) Techniques for the Smooth Application of Desflurane ; Brevibloc: Review and Update of Perioperative Heart Rate Control .Bi-State Spring Anesthesia Meeting 2002: Kansas and Missouri, Kansas City, Missouri.
Wilson, W (05-2002. ) Techniques for the Smooth Application of Suprane .Local Educational Meeting, Rochester, MI.
Wilson, W (05-2002. ) Use of the LMA with Inhalation Anesthetics ; Anesthesia for the Burn Patient .NAFA 16th Annual Anesthesia Seminar, Hilton Head, SC.
Wilson, W (04-2002. ) Techniques for the Smooth Application of Suprane .Jackson Educational Meeting, Jackson, MI.
Wilson, W (04-2002. ) Techniques for the Smooth Application of Suprane .Dearborn Educational Meeting, Dearborn, MI.
Wilson, W (04-2002. ) Techniques for the Smooth Application of Suprane .Memphis Educational Meeting, Memphis, TN.
Wilson, W (04-2002. ) Techniques for the Smooth Application of Suprane ; Perioperative Heart Rate Control .New York State Association of Nurse Anesthetists State Meeting, New Paltz, NY.
Wilson, W (04-2002. ) Techniques for the Smooth Application of Suprane .Bristol Educational Meeting, Bristol, TN.
Wilson, W (04-2002. ) Techniques for the Smooth Application of Suprane .Local Educational Meeting, Jackson, OH.
Wilson, W (03-2002. ) Perioperative Heart Rate Control .Community Medical Center Department of Anesthesia - Topics in Anesthesia 2002, Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania.
Wilson, W (03-2002. ) Techniques for the Smooth Application of Suprane .Oklahoma City Educational Meeting, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
Wilson, W (03-2002. ) Techniques for the Smooth Application of Suprane .Tulsa Educational Meeting, Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Wilson, W (03-2002. ) Low Flow Anesthesia ; Perioperative Heart Rate Control .OSANA State Meeting, Toledo, OH.
Wilson, W (03-2002. ) Techniques for the Smooth Application of Suprane .Providence Local Educational Meeting, Providence, RI.
Wilson, W (03-2002. ) Techniques for the Smooth Application of Suprane .Dayton Local Educational Meeting, Dayton, OH.
Wilson, W (02-2002. ) Techniques for the Smooth Application of Suprane .Columbus Nurse Anesthetists Educational Meeting, Columbus, OH.
Wilson, W (02-2002. ) Techniques for the Smooth Application of Suprane ; Esmolol: Review and Update .Alaska Association of Nurse Anesthetists, Anchorage, Alaska.
Wilson, W (02-2002. ) Techniques for the Smooth Application of Suprane .Riverside Hospital Educational Meeting, Columbus, OH.
Wilson, W (01-2002. ) Desflurane: A Fresh Perspective .North Carolina Association of Nurse Anesthetists District II Meeting, Greensboro, NC.
Wilson, W (01-2002. ) Perioperative Heart Rate Control ; Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting Revisited .Mississippi Association of Nurse Anesthetists, Jackson, Mississippi.
Wilson, W (11-2001. ) Desflurane: A Fresh Perspective .Virginia Association of Nurse Anesthetists Educational Meeting, Tysons Corner, VA.
Wilson, W (10-06-2001. ) Fast Track Anesthesia ; Avoiding Anesthesia Events with Muscle Relaxants ; Local Anesthetics: Are They Safe? ; Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting Revisited ; Herbal Medications: Anesthetic Considerations .Indiana Association of Nurse Anesthetists, Indianapolis, IN.
Wilson, W (10-2001. ) Techniques for Smooth Application of Suprane ; Perioperative Heart Rate Control .North Dakota Association of Nurse Anesthetists, Bismarck, ND.
Wilson, W (10-2001. ) Fast Track Anesthesia .Oregon Association of Nurse Anesthetists, Portland, Oregon.
Wilson, W (10-2001. ) Fast Track Anesthesia .Missouri Association of Nurse Anesthetists, Columbus, Missouri.
Wilson, W (10-2001. ) The Elderly Patient: Anesthesia Considerations .Ohio State Association of Nurse Anesthetists, Columbus, OH.
Wilson, W (09-2001. ) Desflurane: A Fresh Perspective .Local Educational Meeting, Louisville, KY.
Wilson, W (09-2001. ) Techniques for Smooth Application of Suprane .Local Anesthesia Meeting, Raleigh, NC.
Wilson, W (09-2001. ) Fast Track Anesthesia .South Dakota Association of Nurse Anesthetists, Sioux Falls, SD.
Wilson, W (08-2001. ) Educators Workshop - Defining the Roles and Rules for Teachers: Case Studies for the Learning Environment .AANA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Wilson, W (08-2001. ) Fast Track Anesthesia .Arrowhead Region Anesthesia Seminar, Duluth, Minnesota.
Wilson, W (08-2001. ) Anesthesia Considerations for the 90's and Beyond .Local Anesthesia Meeting, Milford, MI.
Wilson, W (07-2001. ) Desflurane: A Fresh Perspective ; Herbal Medications and Anesthesia Considerations .Mississippi Association of Nurse Anesthetists, Biloxi, Mississippi.
Wilson, W (06-2001. ) Desflurane: A Fresh Perspective .Columbia Centennial/PACT, Nashville, TN.
Wilson, W (06-2001. ) Desflurane: A Fresh Perspective .Baptist Health System, Little Rock, Arkansas.
Wilson, W (05-2001. ) Perioperative Heart Rate Control ; Fast Tracking Anesthesia .Colorado Association of Nurse Anesthetists State Meeting, Denver, CO.
Wilson, W (04-2001. ) Desflurane: A Fresh Perspective .OSANA State Meeting, Cincinnati, OH.
Wilson, W (04-2001. ) Techniques for Smooth Application of Suprane ; Fast Tracking .Wisconsin Association of Nurse Anesthetists State Meeting, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin.
Wilson, W (03-2001. ) Fast Track Anesthesia .Los Angeles Local Meeting, Los Angeles, CA.
Wilson, W (03-2001. ) The Irritable Airway: Smooth LMA Technique .Baxter Anesthesia and Critical Care Meeting, Orlando, FL.
Wilson, W (03-2001. ) Outpatient Anesthesia .Memphis Educational Meeting, Memphis, TN.
Wilson, W (03-2001. ) Anesthesia and the Burn Patient ; Conscious Sedation ; Why I Used to Dislike Desflurane ; Fluid Management ; Assessment of Validity and Reliability of Neurophysiologic Evoked Potential Monitor .Indiana Association of Nurse Anesthetists State Meeting, Indianapolis, IN.
Wilson, W (03-2001. ) Fast-Track Anesthesia .Toledo Educational Meeting, Toledo, OH.
Wilson, W (02-2001. ) Suprane Speakers' Training Meeting .Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Orlando, FL.
Wilson, W (01-2001. ) Anesthesia and the Burn Patient ; Avoiding Events with Muscle Relaxants .Mississippi State Nurse Anesthesia Meeting, Jackson, Mississippi.
Wilson, W (01-2001. ) Why I Used to Dislike Desflurane .Louisville Educational Meeting, Louisville, KY.
Wilson, W (01-2001. ) The Irritable Airway: Smooth Application with Desflurane and LMA .Baxter Regional Manager Meeting, Chicago, IL.
Wilson, W (11-2000. ) Fast Tracking with Desflurane .Columbus Educational Meeting, Columbus, OH.
Wilson, W (11-2000. ) Outpatient Anesthesia ; Anesthesia for the Burn Patient .Nurse Anesthesiology Faculty Associates, Orlando, FL.
Wilson, W (10-2000. ) Treatment of Perioperative Ischemia and Dysrhythmias .Iowa Association of Nurse Anesthetists State Meeting, Des Moines, Iowa.
Wilson, W (10-2000. ) Outpatient Anesthesia ; Anesthesia for the Burn Patient .Alabama Association of Nurse Anesthetists State Meeting, Birmingham, AL.
Wilson, W (09-2000. ) Avoiding Problems in the Ambulatory Setting ; Avoiding Events with Muscle Relaxants .OSANA, Columbus, OH.
Wilson, W (09-2000. ) Outpatient Anesthesia ; Fluid Management .Northwest States Anesthesia Conference, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.
Wilson, W (06-2000. ) Outpatient Anesthesia ; Anesthesia for the Burn Patient .Florida State Association of Nurses Anesthetists, Fort Meyers, FL.
Wilson, W (06-2000. ) Why I Used to Dislike Desflurane .Kentucky and Indiana State Association of Nurse Anesthetists, King's Island, Mason, OH.
Wilson, W (05-2000. ) Fast Track Anesthesia ; Low Flow Anesthesia .South Dakota Association of Nurse Anesthetists Meeting, Rapid City, SD.
Wilson, W (04-2000. ) Conscious Sedation .University of Cincinnati College of Nursing, Cincinnati, OH.
Wilson, W (03-2000. ) Anesthesia and the Burn Patient .Hurley Medical Center Anesthesia Seminar, Frankenmuth, MI.
Wilson, W (02-2000. ) Local Anesthetics .University of Cincinnati College of Nursing, Cincinnati, OH.
Wilson, W (12-1999. ) Rapacuronium Bromide .OSANA Educational District Meeting, Cincinnati, OH.
Wilson, W (12-1999. ) Fast Track Anesthesia with Desflurane .Educational Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
Wilson, W (10-1999. ) Fast Track Anesthesia with Desflurane .Educational Meeting, Chattanooga, TN.
Wilson, W (07-1999. ) Fast Track Anesthesia with Desflurane .Educational Meeting, Madisonville, KY.
Wilson, W (05-1999. ) Conscious Sedation .University of Cincinnati College of Nursing, Cincinnati, OH.
Wilson, W (04-1999. ) Fast Track Anesthesia with Desflurane .OSANA Educational District Meeting, Cincinnati, OH.
Poster Presentations
Wilson, W (08-1999. ) Assessment of Validity and Reliability of a Neurophysiologic Evoked Potential Instrument .AANA Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts. .
Wilson, W (02-2004. ) Anesthesia Considerations for the Obese Patient .Pittsburgh, PA.
Honors and Awards
2006 -2007 Who's Who of American Women
1994 -1995 Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges
Contact Information
215S Procter Hall
Phone: 513-584-2440 AND 513-532-4887