Karen E Shiota
Instructor - Adj
Adjunct Instructor of General Studies (Music)
Corbett Cntr Perform Arts
CCM General Studies - 0003
Professional Summary
Karen Shiota began serving as an Adjunct Instructor in Modern Dance for the CCM Dance Division in the Fall of 2012. In the Fall of 2015 she created the first online modern dance technique class offered by CCM, and is currently teaching the Modern Dance Basics Online Course for CCM from
Osaka, Japan.
She received her BFA in dance from the Ohio State University. While attending OSU she studied under Vera J. Blaine and Bebe Miller.
In addition to teaching at CCM, she presented an Introduction of A General-Purpose Interactive Dance Methodology for the 2015 Society for Electro- Acoustic Music in the United States (SEAMUS) National Conference. Her choreo-musical works have been performed in the United States and Japan.