Dexter Witt

Dexter W Witt , DPT


Associate Professor

French East Building, Rm 309C
3202 Eden Ave
PO Box 670394
Cincinnati, Ohio 45267-0394
Phone 513-558-7476
Fax 513-558-7474


BS: University of Cincinnati 1980 (Physical Education)

BS: University of Central Arkansas 1986 (Physical Therapy)

MHS: University of Indianapolis 1994 (Physical Therapy)

DPT: University of Central Arkansas 2003 (Physical Therapy)

DHS: University of Indianapolis 2013

Research and Practice Interests

Ultrasound Imaging for Rehabilitation Purposes

Positions and Work Experience

09-2000 -To Present Associate Professor (Tenured), University of Cincinnati,

09-1994 -08-2000 Assistant Professor, University of Cincinnati,

09-1994 -01-2000 Program Director, Physical Therapist Assisting Program, University of Cincinnati,

02-1987 -01-1998 Senior Physical Therapist (Full-Time), Bethesda North Hospital,

02-1988 -08-1994 Senior Physical Therapist (Full-Time), Warren County Outpatient Clinic,

09-1994 -To Present Senior Physical Therapist (Part-Time), Bethesda Warren County Outpatient Clinic,


Published Abstracts

Witt DW, Talbott N (2011. ) Imaging of the serratus anterior .[Abstract]Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine, 30 (4 ) ,

Mulligan L, Witt D, Brenner S, Edmondson J (2009. ) Incidence of the Spinoglenoid Ligament and Compression of the Suprascapular Nerve .[Abstract]Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy, 39 (1 ) ,A75

Mulligan L, Dieringer J, Partlow T, Witt D (2008. ) Compression of the Suprascapular Nerve by the Spinoglenoid Ligament .[Abstract]Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy, 38 (1 ) ,A58

Peer Reviewed Publications

Witt, Dexter; Talbott, Nancy; Kotowski, Susan (2011. ) Electromyographic activity of scapular muscles during diagonal patterns using elastic resistance and free weights. International journal of sports physical therapy, , 6 (4 ) ,322-32

Witt, Dexter W; Talbott, Nancy R (2015. ) In-vivo measurements of force and humeral movement during inferior glenohumeral mobilizations.Manual therapy, , More Information

Talbott, Nancy R; Witt, Dexter W (2014. ) Ultrasonographic measurements of lower trapezius muscle thickness at rest and during isometric contraction: a reliability study.Physiotherapy theory and practice, , 30 (5 ) ,360-6 More Information

Talbott, Nancy R; Witt, Dexter W (2014. ) Ultrasound examination of the serratus anterior during scapular protraction in asymptomatic individuals: reliability and changes with contraction.PM & R : the journal of injury, function, and rehabilitation, , 6 (3 ) ,227-34 More Information

Talbott, Nancy R; Witt, Dexter W (2013. ) Ultrasound imaging of the serratus anterior muscle at rest and during contraction.Clinical physiology and functional imaging, , 33 (3 ) ,192-200 More Information


Poster Presentations

Talbott NR, Witt DW, Kotowski S, Heimann L, Poe N, Short J (10-2011. ) Manual versus mechanical resistance: effects on patterns of scapular muscle activity .AAOMPT Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA. .

Mulligan E, Witt DW, Claire N, Sutter M, Talbott NR (10-2011. ) Analysis of muscle activation during the Speed's test .AAOMPT Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA. .

Mulligan E, Witt DW, Claire N, Sutter M, Talbott NR (10-2011. ) Intra-rater reliability of combined extension and adduction passive motion .AAOMPT Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA. .

Witt DW, Talbott NR, Kotowski S, Heimann L, Poe N, Short J (10-2011. ) Activation of scapular muscles during extremity and scapular diagonal patterns: hands versus bands .AAOMPT Annual Conference , Anaheim, CA. .

Witt DW, Talbott N, Kotowski S, Heimann L, Poe N, Short J (07-2011. ) Diagonal Patterns of Exercises and Activation of Scapular Muscles: Effects of Weights versus Elastic Resistance .Annual Conference of the National Strength and Conditioning Association, Las Vegas, NV. .

Witt DW, Talbott N (04-2011. ) Imaging of the serratus anterior .American Institute of Ultrasound Medicine Annual Conference, New York, NY. .

Talbott N, Witt D, Purvis M, Shockey L (04-2011. ) Scapular Muscle Co-Contraction Patterns During Resisted Scapular Exercises: Is There A Gender Difference? .Ohio Physical Therapy Association Spring Meeting, Columbus, OH. .

Honors and Awards

2011 Best Poster Presentation Ohio Chapter of the American Physical Therapy Association

2009 Excellence in Teaching Award UC College of Allied Health Sciences

2000 Excellence in Teaching Award UC College of Allied Health Sciences

Post Graduate Training and Education

Fellow, Completed post doctoral fellowship in manual therapy at Regis University in 2007 and became a fellow in the American Academy of Orthopedic Manual Therapy in 2008, American Academy of Orthopedic Manual Therapt, ,

Contact Information

Academic - French East Building, Rm 309C
3202 Eden Ave
CincinnatiĀ  Ohio, 45267-0394
Phone: 513-558-7476
Fax: 513-558-7474