Heather Zoller

Heather M. Zoller


Professional Summary

Dr. Heather M. Zoller is a Professor of health and organizational communication in the School of Communication, Film, &  Media Studies at the University of Cincinnati and Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Applied Communication Research.

Her scholarship focuses on community organizing and activism related to occupational, environmental, and socioecomic health issues. Theoretical concerns include power and resistance, corporate issues management, public participation, and dialogue.

Recent projects focus on worker participation in corporate stakeholder accountability initiative and the union worker-owned cooperative movement as routes to achieve an equitable, sustainable, and health-supporting economy.

Her work appears in journals such as Communication Monographs, Communication Theory, Journal of Applied Communication Research, and Communication Yearbook. She co-edited the book "Emerging Issues and Perspectives in Health Communication: Meaning, Culture, and Power" with Mohan Dutta.

She has served as an Associate Editor at Human Relations and Management Communication Quarterly, and Senior Editor at Health Communication.

She serves on the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Committee on PPE for Workplace Safety and Health. She served as Board President for Ohio Citizen Action Education Fund.

Dr. Zoller teaches undergraduate and graduate courses such as Inroduction to Communicating Health, Science, and Environment, Communication and Health Politics, Organizational Communication: Power and Politics, Dialogue and Communication, and Advanced Qualitative Methods.

She is the advisor for the Communicating Science, Health, and the Environment certificate.


Ph.D.: Purdue University 2000

M.A.: Texas A&M University 1995

B.S.: University of Texas at Austin 1993

Research Support

2005 University Research Council Faculty Research Support Grant $5,524

1998 -2000 David Ross Research Grant Purdue Research Foundation $11,000 per year, plus tuition remission and research expenses

Grant: #11-UOW-092 Investigators:Shiv Ganesh (PI), George Cheney, Heather Zoller 01-2011 -04-2011 Marsden Fund of the Royal Society of New Zealand Eco-localisation: Strategies for Resistance, Resilience and Renewal Role:Associate Investigator Denied Type:Grant Level:National

Investigators:Kaori Fujishiro 09-2012 -12-2015 NIOSH Promoting Participation in Workplace Wellness Initiatives Role:Collaborator $101,822 Pending Type:Contract Level:National

Investigators:Heather Zoller, Gail Fairhurst, John Lynch, Nancy Jennings William T. Grant Foundation Use of Research Evidence Grant Planned/In Preparation Type:Grant Level:National

Investigators:Heather Zoller Waterhouse Family Institute WFI Research Grants Role:PI Active Type:Grant

11-2014 A&S Faculty Development Funds Qualitative Research Software $500 Completed Type:Grant Level:College

Grant: #2015 WFI Grant Investigators:Zoller, Heather 09-01-2015 -09-30-2016 Waterhouse Family Institute / Villanova University Innovations in Worker Participation: Communicating for Healthy and Sustainable Food and Work Role:PI $7,431.00 Awarded Level:Institution of Higher Education

Abbreviated Publications

Peer Reviewed Publications

Zoller, Heather M, & Casteel, Diana (2022). #March for Our Lives: Health Activism, Diagnostic Framing, Gun Control, and the Gun Industry. Health communication, 37(7), 813-823.

Dempsey, S. E., Zoller, H. M., & Hunt, K. P. (2022). The meatpacking industry’s corporate exceptionalism: racialized logics of food chain worker disposability during the COVID-19 crisis. Food, Culture & Society, 1-20.

Kim, Youllee, & Zoller, Heather M (2021). Engaging in Health Activism through Neighbor-to-Neighbor Communication. Health communication 1-11.

Zoller, H. M. (2021). Re-Imagining Localism and Food Justice: Co-Op Cincy and the Union Cooperative Movement [Community Case Study]. Frontiers in Communication, 6(118). https://doi.org/10.3389/fcomm.2021.686400

Zoller, H., Strochlic, R., & Getz, C. (2020). Agricultural workers’ participation in certification as a mechanism for improving working conditions: The Equitable Food Initiative. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 48(6), 654-674

Zoller, Heather M (2017). Health Activism Targeting Corporations: A Critical Health Communication Perspective. Health communication, 32(2), 219-229.

Sastry, S., Zoller, H. M., Walker, T., & Sunderland, S. (2017). From Patient Navigation to Cancer Justice: Toward a Culture-Centered, Community-Owned Intervention Addressing Disparities in Cancer Prevention. [Original Research]. Frontiers in Communication, 2(19).

James, E. P., & Zoller, H. M. (2017). Resistance Training: (Re)shaping Extreme Forms of Workplace Health Promotion. Management Communication Quarterly, 32(1), 60-89.

Zoller, H.M. (2016). Women’s Health Activism Targeting Corporate Health Risks: Women’s Voices for the Earth. Women & Language (39)1, 97-119.

Zoller, H. M. (2016). Health activism targeting corporations: A critical health communication perspective. Health Communication, 32(2), 219-229. https://doi.org/10.1080/10410236.2015.1118735

Zoller, Heather M, Fujishiro, Kaori, Mobley, Amy, & Lehman, Everett (2015). Perspectives on Communication and Participation in Research Notification Focus Groups. Health communication, 30(10), 986-1000.

Zoller, H. & Fujishiro, K, Mobley, A. & Lehman, E. (2014) "Perspectives on Communication and Participation in Worker Notification Focus Groups." Health Communication (on-line first).

Zoller, H. (2012). Communicating Health: Political risk narratives in an environmental health campaigns. Journal of Applied Communication Research (40)1, 20-43. 

Ganesh, S. & Zoller, H. (2012). “Dialogue, Activism, and Democratic Social Change." Communication Theory, 22(1), 66-91.

Zoller, H.M. & Tener, M. (2010). Corporate proactivity as a Discursive Fiction: Issue Management in Environmental Health Disputes. Management Communication Quarterly, 24(3), 391-418.

Zoller, Heather M (2009). The social construction of occupational health and safety: barriers to environmental-labor health coalitions. New solutions : a journal of environmental and occupational health policy : NS, 19(3), 289-314.

Zoller, H.M. and Kline, K. "Interpretive and Critical Contributions to Health Communication Theory." Communication Yearbook 32 (2008).

Zoller, H. and Fairhurst, G. "Dissent as Leadership: Discourse, Power, and Resistance." Human Relations 60 (2007): 1331-1360.

Zoller, Heather M, & Worrell, Tracy (2006). Television illness depictions, identity, and social experience: responses to multiple sclerosis on The West Wing among people with MS. Health communication, 20(1), 69-79.

Zoller, H.M. "Health Activism: Communication Theory and Action for Social Change." Communication Theory 15 (2005): 341-364.

Ganesh, S., Zoller, H.M., and Cheney, G. "Transforming Resistance, Broadening our Boundaries: Critical Organizational Communication Meets Globalization from Below." Communication Monographs 72 (2005): 169-191.

Zoller, H.M. "Caught in the Multicausal Web: A Gendered Analysis of Healthy People 2010." Communication Studies 56 (2005): 175-192.

Zoller, H.M. "Dialogue as Global Issue Management: Legitimizing Corporate Influence in the Transatlantic Business Dialogue." ManagementCommunication Quarterly 18 (2004): 204-240.

Zoller, H.M. "Manufacturing Health: Problematic Outcomes in Workplace Health Promotion Initiatives from Employee Perspectives." Western Journal of Communication 68 (2004): 278-301.

Zoller, H.M. "Health on the Line: Discipline and Consent in Employee Discourse about Occupational Health and Safety." Journal of Applied Communication Research 31 (2003): 118-139.

Zoller, H.M. "Working Out: Managerialism in Workplace Health Promotion." Managerial Communication Quarterly 17 (2003): 171-205.

Zoller, H.M. "A Place You Haven’t Visited Before:’” Creating the Conditions for Community Dialogue." The Southern Communication Journal (Special Issue on dialogue.) 65 (2000): 191-207.

H. M. Zoller, R. Strochlic and C. Getz (2023). An employee-centered framework for healthy workplaces: implementing a critically holistic, participative, and structural model through the Equitable Food Initiative.Journal of Applied Communication Research 2023 Vol. 51 Issue 2 Pages 164-184. DOI: 10.1080/00909882.2022.2106579

Zoller, H. M. Applied communication research as a discipline of crisis and care: meeting the moment. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 1-4. https://doi.org/10.1080/00909882.2023.2275038

Book Chapter

Zoller, H.M. & Ban, Z. (2021). Power and Resistance. In F. Cooren, P. Stucheli-Herlach (Eds.), The Handbook of Management Communication. De Gruyter Mouton.

Zoller, H. M., & Ban, Z. (2019). Power and resistance. In A. M. Nicotera (Ed.), Organizational Communication: A Comprehensive Introduction to the Field. New York: Routledge.

Sastry, S. & Zoller, H.M. (2016). Communicating the politics of healthcare systems. In J. Yamasaki, P. Geist-Martin & B. F. Sharf (Eds.), Storied health and illness: Communicating personal, cultural, and political complexities: Waveland Press.

Ganesh, S.& Zoller, H. M. (2014). Organising Transition: Principles and tensions in eco-localism In G. C. Martin Parker, Valerie Fournier & Chris Land (Ed.), The Routledge Companion to Alternative Organisation. (pp. 236-250). Routledge.

Zoller, H.M. (2014). Power and Resistance. The Sage Handbook of Organizational Communication. D. Mumby & L. Putnam (Eds). Thousand Oaks, CA.: Sage.

Ganesh, S. & Zoller, H.M. (2014) Organising Transition: Principles and tensions in Eco-localism. In Martin Parker, George Cheney, Valerie Fournier & Chris Land (Eds). The Routledge Companion to Alternative Organisation. Oxford, UK: Routledge.

 Zoller, H. and Melancon, L. (2013). “The good neighbor campaign as a communication intervention to reduce health disparities.” G. Kreps and M. Dutta (Eds.) Communication and Health Disparities. Hampton Press.

Zoller, H. (2009). Narratives of Corporate Change: Environmental Health Activism, Stakeholder Dialogue, and Regulatory Action. In L.M. Harter, M.J. Dutta, and C. Cole (Eds.)Communicating for Social Impact Engaging Communication Theory, Research, and Pedagogy. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press. International Communication Association Theme Book Series.

Fairhurst, G. & Zoller, H.M. (2008). Resistance, Dissent, and Leadership in Practice. In S. Banks (Ed.) Dissent and the failure of leadership. Northhampton, MA: Edward Elgar.

Zoller, H.M. (2008). “Technologies of Neoliberal Governmentality: The Discursive Influence of Global Economic Policies on Public Health.” In H. Zoller and M. Dutta (Eds.) Emerging Perspectives in Health Communication: Meaning, Culture, and Power.  New York: Routledge.

Dutta, M. and Zoller, H.(2008).  "Theoretical Foundations: Interpretive, Critical, and Cultural." In Emerging Issues and Perspectives in Health Communication: Meaning, Culture, and Power. Eds. H. Zoller, H. and M. Dutta. New York: Routledge, 1-38.

Zoller, H.and Dutta, M. (2008).  "Emerging Agendas in Health Communicatio nand the Challenge of Multilple Perspectives." In Eds. H. Zoller and M. Dutta "Emerging Perspectives in Health Communication: Meaning, Culture, and Power"  449-463.

Zoller, H. M. (2023). Addressing health inequalities through worker and consumer cooperatives: Co-op Cincy's organizing for food justice. In S. Dempsey (Ed.), Organizing eating: Communicating for equity across U.S. food systems (pp. 139-165). Routledge.

Electronic Journal

Sastry, S., Zoller, H. M., & Basu, A. (2021). Editorial: Doing Critical Health Communication: A Forum on Methods [Editorial]. Frontiers in Health Communication, 5(144). https://doi.org/10.3389/fcomm.2020.637579

Zoller, H. M. (2019). Critical Health Communication Methods: Challenges in Researching Transformative Social Change [Conceptual Analysis]. Frontiers in Communication, 4. https://www.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fcomm.2019.00041


Ballard, D., Allen, B., Ashcraft, K., Ganesh, S., McLeod, P., & Zoller, H. M. (2020). When Words Do Not Matter: Identifying Actions to Effect Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Academy. Management Communication Quarterly, 34(4), 590-616.

Zoller, Heather (2011). Voices from the Field: Analysis of Conflicting Interests, Values, and goals in Corporate Health Promotion Campaigns." In G. Cheney, L. Christensen, T. Zorn & S. Ganesh (Eds), Organizational Communication in an Age of Globalization. Waveland Press.

Encyclopedia Article

James, E. & Zoller, H.M. "Healthy Workplace" (2017). In the International Encyclopedia of Organizational Communication.

Health Activism and Health Issues Publics in The Encyclopedia of Health Communication

Environmental Health. Encyclopedia of Health Communication.

Critical Approaches. Encylopedia of Health Communication.

Politics and Political Complexities of Health. Encyclopedia of Health Communication.

Invited Publication

Lynch, J., & Zoller, H. M. (2016). Recognizing differences and commonalities: The rhetoric of health and medicine and critical-interpretive health communication. Communication Quarterly, 63(5), 498-503.

Lynch, J., & Zoller, H. M. (2016). Recognizing differences and commonalities: The rhetoric of health and medicine and critical-interpretive health communication. Communication Quarterly, 63(5), 498-503.

Zoller, H. (2010). “Women, Language, and Public Health: An Agenda for Theory and Practice.” Women and Language, 33(2), 73-78.

Zoller, H. (2010). What are health organizations? Public health and organizational communication. Management Communication Quarterly Forum, 24(3), 482-490.   

Harter, L.H. & Zoller, H. (Eds.) (2010). “Forum Introduction: Organizing Healing and Health Care Resources.” Management Communication Quarterly, 24(3), 446-448.

Zoller, H.M. (2003). “Health on the Line:  Discipline and Consent in Employee Discourse about Occupational Health and Safety.”  Journal of Applied Communication Research, 31 (2), 118-139.  Reprinted in “Organizational Discourse Studies” (2010) (Grant D., Hardy, C. & Putnam, L., Eds.) SAGE Publications.

Zoller, H.M. "Forum: “Suitcases and Swimsuits: On the Future of Organizational Communication." Management Communication Quarterly 19 (2006): 661-666.

Zoller, H.M. "Research Spotlight: Communication in Workplace Health Promotion." Organizational Communication in an Age of Globalization (2003).


Zoller, H. and Dutta, M. (Eds.). Emerging Perspectives in Health Communication: Meaning, Culture, and Power. London: Routledge, 2008.


Zoller, H.M. "Book Review: “Globalization and Organization: Understanding Mutual Influences." Organization 14 (2007): 729-735.

Zoller, H.M.Rev. of Globalization and organization: Understanding mutual influences Organization (14) 5. (2007): 729, 735.


Peer Reviewed Publications

Zoller, H.M. (2016. ) Health activism targeting corporations: A critical health communication perspective .Health Communication, , 32 (2 ) ,219-229

Sastry,Shaunak; Zoller, H.M.; Walker,Taylor; Sunderland,Steve (2017. ) From Patient Navigation to Cancer Justice: Toward a Culture-Centered, Community-Owned Intervention Addressing Disparities in Cancer Prevention .Frontiers in Communication, , 2 (19 ) ,60-89

James, Eric P. ; Zoller, Heather M. (2017. ) Resistance Training: (Re)shaping Extreme Forms of Workplace Health Promotion .Management Communication Quarterly, , 32 (1 ) ,60-89

Zoller, Heather M. (2019. ) Critical Health Communication Methods: Challenges in Researching Transformative Social Change .Frontiers in Communication, , 4 (19 ) ,60-89

Zoller, Heather; Strochlic, Ron; Getz, Christy (2020. ) Agricultural workersâ?? participation in certification as a mechanism for improving working conditions: The Equitable Food Initiative .Journal of Applied Communication Research, , 48 (6 ) ,654-674

Zoller, H.M.; Casteel, D. (2021. ) #March for Our Lives: Health Activism, Diagnostic Framing, Gun Control, and the Gun Industry .Health Communication, , 6 (118 ) ,654-674

Sastry,Shaunak; Zoller,Heather M.; Basu,Ambar (2021. ) Editorial: Doing Critical Health Communication: A Forum on Methods .Frontiers in Health Communication, , 5 (144 ) ,654-674

Zoller, H.M. (2021. ) Re-Imagining Localism and Food Justice: Co-Op Cincy and the Union Cooperative Movement .Frontiers in Communication, , 6 (118 ) ,654-674


Invited Presentations

Zoller, H. (01-2011. ) Corporations and Health .Videotaped Interview, Communication Currents.

(04-2007. ) Stirring it Up: Making Room for Activism in Organizational and Health Communication .Department of Communication Colloquium, Purdue University.

Zoller, H. (11-2013. ) Civility, Dialogue and Deliberation .Beyond Civility Communication Training for Cincinnati Leaders, Workshop. . Level:Local

Zoller, Heather (06-07-2021. ) Keynote Address: Organizing and the Politics of Illness Prevention: Communication, Inequality, and the Pandemic .Associação Brasileira de Pesquisadores de Comunicação Organizacional e de Relações Públicas (ABRAPCORP) , Conference. . Level:International


Zoller, H. (04-2011). Environmental Health Activism: Political Narratives in a Good Neighbor Campaign .Department of Communication, University of Utah. Other Institution.

Zoller, H. (04-2011). Environmental Health Activism: Political Narratives in a Good Neighbor Campaign .Department of Communication, University of Cincinnati. UC.

Zoller, H. (04-2007). Stirring it Up: Making Room for Activism in Organizational and Health Communication .Department of Communication, Purdue University. Other Institution.

(2002). Managerialism in Workplace Health Promotion . Department of Communication Colloquium , University of Cincinnati.

Zoller, Heather (04-2016). Health Activists Targeting Corporate Health Risks .Texas A&M, Department of Communication. Other Institution.

Zoller, Heather (11-15-2022). Organizing for Health, Sustainability, and Economic Justice in the Food System .University of Missouri Department of Communication Colloquium. Other Institution. Level:University


Zoller, H. (04-2011. ) Communication and Health Care Reform .University of Utah. Other Institution.

Zoller, H. (04-2007. ) Critical Perspectives in Health and Organizational Communication .Department of Communication, Purdue University. Other Institution.

Zoller, Heather (04-2016. ) Collaborative Decision-Making .Texas A&M. Other Institution. Level:College

Heather Zoller (10-14-2021. ) “Reducing Inequality as Illness Prevention: Pragmatic Utopianism, Social Change and the Union Cooperative Movement.” .University of Texas at Austin Moody College of Communication. Other Institution. Level:State

Heather Zoller (06-07-2021. ) Keynote Address: Organizing and the Politics of Illness Prevention: Communication, Inequality, and the Pandemic .Conference. Level:International

Heather Zoller (09-01-2020. ) “The Role of Health and Healthcare: Communicating about Health in a Presidential Election Year.” .https://www.natcom.org/ncapodcast. Other Institution. Level:National

(10-01-2019. ) Can Worker Participation Change the Corporate Food System? Improving Farm Labor and Environmental Management through New Forms of Certification and Cooperative Ownership .Wayne State University, Department of Communication. Other Institution. Level:University

(06-01-2016. ) “Health Social Movements: Communication Strategies for Corporate Accountability” .Texas A&M University.

(06-01-2016. ) “Teaching Qualitative Methods Though Engaged Learning with the Cincinnati Cancer Justice Network.” .UC. UC. Level:College

Paper Presentations

Zoller, H.M. & Gaug, Kayla (05-2012. ) “Occupy Public Health: A Defining Moment for Health Communication? .Phoenix. Conference. Level:International

Zoller, H. (05-2012. ) Meanings of Health .Phoenix. Conference. Level:International

Zoller, H. (11-25-2009. ) Proactivity as a Discursive Fiction: Issue Management in Environmental Health Disputes .Chicago. Conference. Level:National

Zoller, Heather (05-2008. ) Narratives of Corporate Change: Comparisons of Environmental Health Activism, Stakeholder Dialogues, and Regulatory Action .Montreal, Canada. Conference. Level:International

Zoller, Heather (05-2008. ) The Social Construction of Occupational Health and Safety:Barriers to Environmental-Labor Health Coalitions .Montreal, Canada. Conference. Level:International

(2006. ) Globalization, Democracy, and Diversity: Linking Organizational Communication to Contemporary Social Movements .San Antonio, TX.

(2006. ) Resistance as Leadership: A Critical, Discursive Perspective .San Antonio, TX.

(2006. ) Expanding Occupational Health ‘Outside” the Workplace: Worker-Community Coalitions for Healthy Environments .San Antonio, LA.

(2005. ) Taking our Pulse: Theoretical and Applied Contributions of Critical and Interpretive Approaches to the Health Communication Discipline .Boston, MA.

(2005. ) Technologies of Neoliberal Governmentality: The Discursive Influence of Global Economic Policies on Health Promotion .Boston, MA.

(2005. ) The Challenges of Managing Local-Global Linkages in ‘Multi-Issue Organizing’ among Grassroots Global Justice Activists .Boston, MA.

(2005. ) Health Activism: Communication Theory and Action for Social Change .Boston, MA.

Co-Authors: Shiv Ganesh and George Cheney (2004. ) Transforming Resistance: Critical Organizational Communication Meets Globalization from Below .Chicago, IL.

Co-authoring with Tracy Worrell (2004. ) Audience Reception Studies and Media Depictions of Illness: Multiple Sclerosis on The West Wing .Chicago, IL.

(2003. ) Caught in the Multicausal Web: A Gendered Analysis of Healthy People 2010 .Cincinnati, Ohio.

(2002. ) Multiple Discursive Approaches to Organizational Communication: (Or) What Does it Mean to Study “Discourse(s)” in Organizations? .New Orleans, LA.

(2002. ) Working Out: A Case Study in the Ideology of Workplace Health Promotion .New Orleans, LA.

(06-2001. ) Multi-Issue Organizing: A Case Study in Globalization Protest .Cincinnati, OH.

(2001. ) Resources for Resistance: CHE’s Grassroots Organizing against Global Capitalism .Atlanta, GA.

(2001. ) Health on the Line: A Critical-Interpretive Analysis of Employee Narratives about Occupational Health and Safety .Atlanta, GA.

(2000. ) Globalization’ and Global Health: An Organizational Communication Perspective .Seattle, WA.

(1999. ) The Stories we Tell: Reflexivity and Identity in Sponsored, Critical-Interpretive Research .New York, NY.

(1998. ) The Corporate Colonization of the Body: Communication, Ideology and Company Health Promotion .New York, NY.

(1997. ) Sellabrating Women: Class and Commodification in Women’s Health Promotion .Chicago, IL.

(1997. ) The Corporate Construction of ‘Celebration:’ Medical Discourse and Community Participation .Chicago, IL.

(1997. ) Communication, Discipline and the Corporate Body: A Critical-Interpretive Analysis of Worksite Health Promotion .Purdue University.

(1996. ) Dialogue and Narrative: Emerging Approaches to Community Health .St. Louis, MO.

(1996. ) A Place You Haven’t Visited Before:’” Creating the Conditions for Community Dialogue .St. Louis, MO.

(1996. ) Caught in the Multi-Causal Web: Women and the Rhetoric of Health Promotion .St. Louis, MO.

(1995. ) The Discourse of Reform in NBC’s ‘To Your Health .San Antonio, TX.

(1994. ) Makin’ it Through the Day: The Emotional Discourse of Medical Staff .New Orleans, LA.

(1994. ) Uncontested Terms and the Reproduction of Medical Industry Power Relations .New Orleans, LA.

Zoller, Heather Analysis of Flight Attendant Notification Feedback Data .NIOSH. Other Institution. Level:National

Zoller, Heather (2015. ) Health Disparities and Movements for a New Economy .Las Vegas. Conference. Level:National

Event Organized

NCA Preconference: Hearing Marginalized and Mainstream Voices in Health Communication: Contributions of Interpretive/Critical Approaches

NCA Preconference: Hearing Marginalized and Mainstream Voices in Health Communication: Contributions of Interpretive/Critical Approaches Prof. Meeting 11-2011 11-2011 New Orleans Level:National

Public Health Challenges: Organizational Issue Management and Civic Engagement

Public Health Challenges: Organizational Issue Management and Civic Engagement Other 04-2010 04-2010 CSCA Cincinnati, Organizational Communication Division Level:Regional

Extended Panel: Organizational Communication Research Escalator

Extended Panel: Organizational Communication Research Escalator Workshop 05-2012 05-2012 Level:International

Occupy ICA

Occupy ICA Conference 05-2012 International Communication Association Convention Phoenix Level:International

Department of Communication Graduate Roundtable Presentations

Department of Communication Graduate Roundtable Presentations Symposium 01-2015 01-2015 Southgate, KY Level:Department

Dept. of Communication 50th Anniversary Alumni Happy Hour

Dept. of Communication 50th Anniversary Alumni Happy Hour 11-2014 Chicago

Work and Well-Being Collaboration

Work and Well-Being Collaboration Prof. Meeting 02-2016 University of Cincinnati Level:Regional

Honors and Awards

11-2012 Pride - Best Article of the Year Award Awarded by the National Communication Association Public Relations Division for Ganesh, S., & Zoller, H. M. (2012). Dialogue, activism, and democratic social change. Communication Theory, 22(1), 66-91. Status:Recipient Level:National

2006 Top 3 Paper, Organizational Communication Unit, NCA Convention “Dissent as Leadership: Discourse, Power, and Resistance” with co-author Gail Fairhurst.

1999 Alan H. Monroe Graduate Scholar Award The award recognizes outstanding scholarly achievement in the area of research by graduate students in the Department of Communication at Purdue University.

1996 Top Paper, Organizational Communication Division, CSCA Convention “‘A Place You Haven’t Visited Before:’ Creating the Conditions for Community Dialogue.”

1994 Top Paper, Language and Social Interaction Division, SSCA “‘Makin’ it Through the Day’: The Emotional Discourse of Medical Staff.”

1993 College of Communication Senior Fellow and High Honors Awarded from the University of Texas at Austin

2021 -2021 Top Article of the Year Top Article of the Year, Organizational Communication Division of NCA 2021 Ballard, D., Allen, B., Ashcraft, K., Ganesh, S., McLeod, P., & Zoller, H. M. (2020). When Words Do Not Matter: Identifying Actions to Effect Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Academy. Management Communication Quarterly, 34(4), 590-616. https://doi.org/10.1177/0893318920951643 Status:Recipient Level:Professional Org. Type:Recognition

2019 Fellow of the Graduate School Fellow of the Graduate School, University of Cincinnati. Distinction based on scholarly contributions and graduate mentorship. University of Cincinnati Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Recognition

11-19-2021 -11-19-2021 Top Article of the Year Ballard, D., Allen, B., Ashcraft, K., Ganesh, S., McLeod, P., & Zoller, H. M. (2020). When Words Do Not Matter: Identifying Actions to Effect Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Academy. Management Communication Quarterly, 34(4), 590-616. Organizational Communication Division of NCA Status:Recipient Level:National Type:Recognition

05-01-2019 Fellow of the Graduate School, University of Cincinnati UC Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Recognition


Appointed to the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (Committee on Personal Protective Equipment for Workplace Safety and Health ) Committee Member Type:Community Service Level:National 05-01-2022

Public Relations Inquiry Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:International 04-2016

Human Relations Associate Editor Type:Editorial Service Level:International 2016

NCA Organizational Communication Unit (Respondent, Communicating Health in the Workplace ) Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National 11-2015

Democratization Peer Review/Referee Type:Editorial Service Level:International 10-2015

Communication Quarterly Peer Review/Referee Type:Editorial Service Level:Regional 10-2015

Ohio Citizen Action Education Fund President Type:Community Service Level:Regional 05-01-2015

NCA, Critical Cultural Studies Division Paper Reader Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National 04-2015

Ohio Citizen Action Board Member Type:Community Service 04-2015

(Department Head Review Committee ) Type:Departmental Service 04-2015 -04-2015

University of Oklahoma (Mid-Tenure Review ) Type:Service to Professional Associations 03-2015 -04-2015

Communication Theory Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:International 03-2015

University of South Florida (Tenure Review ) Type:Other Educational Service 2015

(RPT Committee ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service 09-2014 -04-2015

Rutgers (Tenure Reviewer ) Type:Service to Professional Associations 09-2014 -10-2014

MIT Press Reviewer Type:Editorial Service 09-2014

Human Relations Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:International 09-2014 -02-2015

Journal of Applied Communication Research Editorial Board Member Type:Editorial Service Level:International 09-2014

New Solutions: A Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:International 04-2014 -04-2014

(Steering Committee School of Communication ) Type:Departmental Service 04-2014

Communication Theory Reviewer Type:Editorial Service 02-2014 -02-2014

NIOSH (Research Advisor: Flight Attendent Self-Reported Health Concerns ) Consultant Type:Other Educational Service Level:National 2014 -2015

Health Communication (Senior Editor ) Type:Editorial Service Level:International 09-2013

Critical Public Health Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:International 09-2013 -09-2013

Human Relations Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:International 09-2013 -09-2013

(Dean's Advisory Committee ) Member Type:University/College Service 08-2013 -02-2014

Beyond Civility Consultant Type:Community Service 06-2013 -02-2014

National Communication Association (Health Communication Division ) Paper Reader Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National 04-2013

National Communication Association (Organizational Communication ) Paper Reader Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National 04-2013

Human Relations Peer Review/Referee Type:Editorial Service Level:International 02-2013 -05-2013

Journal of Applied Communication Research Editorial Board Member Type:Editorial Service 01-2013

(Grievance Review Committee ) Committee Chair Type:University/College Service Level:College 01-2013 -02-2013

Health Communication Associate Editor Type:Editorial Service Level:International 2013 -2016

Communication Monographs Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:International 11-2012 -04-2013

Conference on Communication and Environment Reviewer Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International 10-2012 -11-2012

CETL Faculty Mentor for Zhuo Ban Type:University/College Service Level:University 09-2012

CETL Faculty Mentor for Holly McGee Type:University/College Service Level:University 09-2012

Management Communication Quarterly Editorial Board Member Type:Editorial Service Level:International 09-2012

(Graduate Student Grievance Review Committee ) Committee Chair Type:University/College Service Level:College 06-2012

University of South Florida (Tenure reviewer ) Reviewer Type:Other Level:University 05-2012 -07-2012

University of North Carolina Greensboro (Tenure Reviewer ) Type:Other Level:University 05-2012 -07-2012

A&S Faculty Senate President Type:University/College Service 05-2012 -05-2014

Hoopdance Cats (Faculty Advisor ) Type:Service to Student Groups Level:University 01-2012

Communication Monographs Peer Review/Referee Type:Editorial Service Level:International 2012

Journal of Applied Communication Research Peer Review/Referee Type:Editorial Service Level:International 2012

Director of Graduate Studies Type:Departmental Service 2012 -2018

(Executive Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2012

(A&S Graduate Council ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 2012

(Head's Advisory Group ) Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 09-2011

(Research Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service 09-2011

(A&S Graduate Council ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 09-2011

(Search Committee: Health Communication ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service 08-2011 -03-2012

(Search Committee: Public Relations Position ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service 08-2011 -01-2012

(Director of Graduate Studies ) Type:Departmental Service 07-2011

Journal of Applied Communication Research Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:National 2011

Journal of International and Intercultural Communication Editorial Board Member Type:Editorial Service Level:International 09-2010 -09-2013

(Faculty Mentor ) Type:Departmental Service 09-2010 -06-2012

Management Communication Quarterly Guest Co-Editor Type:Editorial Service Level:International 08-2010 -12-2010

National Communication Association (Organizational Communication Article & Book Award Committee ) Committee Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National 2010 -2010

University of Arkansas (Tenure Reviewer ) Reviewer Type:Other Educational Service 2010

University of North Carolina Charlotte (Tenure Reviewer ) Type:Other Educational Service 2010 -2010

Danish Council for Independent Research Reviewer Type:Grant Panel Level:International 2010 -2010

Management Communication Quarterly Associate Editor Type:Editorial Service Level:International 09-2009 -09-2012

(A&S RPT Committee ) Elected Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 2009 -2011

International Communication Association (Organizational Communication ) Reviewer Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International 2009 -2009

International Communication Association (Theme Panel ) Reviewer Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International 2009 -2009

UC Service Learning Advisory Board Member Type:University/College Service 01-2008

Administrative Sciences Quarterly Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:International 2007 -2011

Health Communication Editorial Board Member Type:Editorial Service Level:International 2007

Environmental Communication: A Journal of Nature and Culture Editorial Board Member Type:Editorial Service Level:International 2007 -2011

Peer Review/Referee Type:Grant Panel Level:National 2007 -2008

Communication Theory Editorial Board Member Type:Editorial Service Level:International 2006 -2008

Women's Studies in Communication Editorial Board Member Type:Editorial Service Level:National 2003 -2006

Office of Public Health Research, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Review Board/Panel Type:Public

Human Relations Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:International -09-2012

(Admissions Committee ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service

A&S Faculty Senate President Type:University/College Service Level:College

Director of Graduate Studies Type:Departmental Service

Health Communication Associate Editor Type:Editorial Service Level:International

Journal of Applied Communication Research (Editor Elect ) Type:Editorial Service Level:International


Health Communication, Organizational Communication, Illness Prevention Public Health Politics, Workplace Health Promotion, Health Activism, Ethnography, Issue Management and Public Relations, Power and Resistance, Environmental health, Occupational health, globalization Community Organizing Economy Cooperatives

Courses Taught

15-COMM-405 COM&HEALTH POLITICS Level:Undergraduate

15-COMM-403 GENDER COMM Level:Undergraduate

15-COMM-409 ORG IDENTITY&IMAGE Level:Undergraduate

15-COMM-405 COM&HEALTH POLITICS Level:Undergraduate

15-COMM-409 ORG IDENTITY&IMAGE Level:Undergraduate

Advanced Communication Theory Level:Graduate

15-COMM-405 COM&HEALTH POLITICS Level:Undergraduate

15-COMM-893 TEACHING COMMUNICATI Introduction to Graduate Studies Level:Graduate

15-COMM-409 ORG IDENTITY&IMAGE Level:Undergraduate

15-COMM-409 ORG IDENTITY&IMAGE Level:Undergraduate

15-COMM-405 COM&HEALTH POLITICS Level:Undergraduate

15-COMM-857 TOPICS IN COMMUNIC Communication and Dialogue Level:Graduate

15-COMM-861 DIR PROBLEMS COMM Dialogue and New Media: Wilson Level:Graduate

15-COMM-861 DIR PROBLEMS COMM Dunkle: Professional Writing Level:Graduate

Organizational Communication: Power and Politics Level:Graduate

Introduction to Graduate Studies Level:Graduate

Academic and Professional Preparation Level:Graduate

Organizational Identity, Image and Issue Management Level:Undergraduate

Introduction to Graduate Studies Level:Graduate

Advanced Academic and Professional Preparation Level:Graduate

Advanced Academic and Professional Preparation Level:Graduate

Communication and Dialogue Level:Graduate

Independent Study: Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies Level:Graduate

Communication and Health Politics Level:Undergraduate

Introduction to Graduate Studies Level:Graduate

Advanced Professional and Academic Prep Level:Graduate

Communication and Dialogue Level:Graduate

Communication and Health Politics Level:Undergraduate

Introduction to Graduate Studies Level:Graduate

Introduction to Graduate Studies Level:Graduate

Advanced Professional and Academic Prep Level:Graduate

Advanced Professional and Academic Prep Level:Graduate

Directed Problems in Communication Level:Graduate

-AF-3002 AF 3002 Introduction to Graduate Studies Level:Graduate

Introduction to Graduate Studies Level:Graduate

Advanced Professional and Academic Prep Level:Graduate

Rhetorical and Qualitative Methods Level:Graduate

Communication and Health Politics Level:Undergraduate

Project in Communication Level:Both

Qualitative and Rhetorical Communication Research Methods Level:Graduate

Faculty Development Activities

03-2011 -2013 Bridging the Health Gap: Interdisciplinary Conversations on Study, Teaching, and Practice $7300 grant to support plans for an interdisciplinary program in health and environmental communication with Mary Beth Debs and Lisa Meloncon, Faculty Development Council Departmental and Interdisciplinary Proposals University of Cincinnati

02-2011 Urban Health Research Group A&S Type:Other