• 55All Colleges/Departments
  • 27Childrens Hospital Medical Center
  • 15COM College of Medicine
  • 5A&S College of Arts and Sciences
  • 4CEAS - College of Eng & Appl Science
  • 3CAHS College of Allied Health Sciences
  • 1CECH Educ Criminal Justice & Human Srvcs
  • Advanced Cell Analysis Service Center (ACASC)

    Birgit Ehmer

    To assist the researcher in generating high-resolution, high quality, microscopy-based data for publications and presentation at professional venues. A range of services is available for both experienced and inexperienced users. Experienced users may use the Center's instruments after orientation by a staff member. Inexperienced users may choose to receive training in the use of the instruments, technical support in microscopy and image analysis, consultation in experimental design, or have us perform the microscopy for them as a service.

    To book equipment or access services for the ACASC, please login or create an account through Stratocore at https://ppms.us/uc/start/

  • Advanced Materials Characterization Center (AMCC)

    Melodie Fickenscher

    The Advanced Materials Characterization Center is a research facility located in the College of Engineering at the University of Cincinnati. The AMCC provides access to electron microscopes, x-ray diffraction, and a variety of other analytical instrumentation. Training and sample evaluation is available to researchers within the UC community, as well as external universities and companies.
  • Animal Behavioral Core (CCHMC)

    Charles V. Vorhees

    Our behavioral and nonbehavioral assays will help you characterize the nervous system function in mice and rats. There is no fee for our services. Our mission is to form collaborative partnerships with researchers that will benefit science. Our measurement protocols include video tracking and photocell technology.
  • Biostatistical Consulting Unit

    Matthew Fenchel

  • Cardiovascular Imaging Core

    Thomas Kimball, MD

    Access to the right imaging technology and services can greatly enhance your ability to conduct cardiovascular research. The Cardiovascular Imaging Core Research Laboratory provides a wide range of imaging techniques to investigators at Cincinnati Childrens, and offers consulting services ranging from educational seminars to assistance with grant and industry funding support
  • Cell Manipulations Laboratory (CCHMC)

    Carolyn Lutzko

    We offer a controlled-access clean room facility that was designed and built to perform ex vivo cell manipulations, including gene therapy protocols and pluripotent stem cell protocols, for Phase 1 and 2 clinical trials.
  • Cell Processing Core

    Carolyn Lutzko

    The Cell Processing Core offers a variety of human hematopoietic cells or other products to investigators for their research programs. The Core can provide specific cell populations such as total nucleated cells, low density mononuclear cells or CD34+ cells from bone marrow, umbilical cord blood, peripheral blood or G-CSF mobilized peripheral blood through a Normal Donor Repository. Other enriched cell populations may be available via special request. The Core can also provide unprocessed samples, plasma or serum. 
  • Center for Advanced Structural Biology (CASB)

    Desirée Benefield, PhD, Facility Manager

    To access services from the CASB, please login or create an account in Stratocore at https://ppms.us/uc/start/

    Established in July 2022, the UC Center for Advanced Structural Biology (CASB) is integrating the latest technology in single-particle cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM).  This technology has revolutionized structural biology, emerging as the leading method in macromolecular structure determination to visualize large protein assemblies of unprecedented size and complexity, many of which are intractable by conventional NMR and X-ray crystallography methods.  Through the support of institutional Research2030 funds, the first phase of equipment, a Thermo Talos L120C Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) that can be operated at both ambient and cryogenic temperatures and is ideally suited for imaging negatively stained samples and screening cryo-EM samples, became available in July 2022 along with the TFS Mark IV Vitrobot system for sample preparation.  Details of both systems are provided in the equipment section. 
    For Phase 2, the CASB applied for and was awarded a Shared Instrumentation Grant (S10OD030388) from the high-end instrumentation (HEI) program from the National Institutes of Health (NIH).  The S10 funding along with additional matching institutional funds ($3.7M total) led to the purchase and installation of a Thermo Glacios 200 kV cryogenic TEM equipped with both a Ceta-16M camera and a TFS Falcon 4 direct electron detector, in addition to a Selectris Energy Filter. This system was installed in the Fall of 2023 and it is able to generate images for atomic resolution structures for single particle analysis projects. The Glacios also includees software for micro-Electron Diffraction data set collection.
    Services Available:
    • Training and access to the Mark IV Vitrobot plunge freezer
    • Training and access to the Talos L120C TEM system
    • Training and access to the Glacios 200 kV cryogenic TEM system
    • Assisted TEM analysis by CASB personnel (inquiry required)
    Location & Hours:
    The CASB is located on the ground level of the Medical Sciences building in rooms G056-G060.  The Facility Manager is available Monday - Friday, 9:00am - 5:00pm or by appointment.

    Cryo-EM in the news:
    UC commits to investment in Cryo-EM technology. June 30, 2022
    UC Scientists are excited to deep-freeze molecules. July 18, 2022
    UC hosts world renowned structural biologists for Grand Opening Cryo-EM symposium.  September 7, 2023
    UC College of Medicine opens the Center for Advanced Structural Biology featuring Cryo-EM. September 18, 2023
  • Center for Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Services (CBBS)

    The mission of this center is to support research in the College of Medicine (COM) by connecting biomedical scientists with the joint expertise of the faculty, staff and graduate students in the Division of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics. The joint expertise of CBBS faculty covers a wide range of biostatistics and bioinformatics topics. CBBS provides the venue for obtaining short-term consulting support and for establishing long-term collaborations with CBS faculty. Please see the listing of our faculty and their expertise to select the appropriate contact.

    To book services from the CBBS, please login or create an account in Stratocore at https://ppms.us/uc/start/.

    CBS provides support for manuscript preparation, grant applications and other projects requiring biostatistics and bioinformatics support via several types of consulting on the hourly fee-for-service basis:

    1.    Short-Term Consultation. Short term consultation support is given for well-defined research projects where funds for fee-for-service charges have been secured. 

    2.     Funded Projects. Biostatistics and bioinformatics services throughout the life of funded projects can be provided.

    3.     Grant application and Research Protocols. CBBS faculty provide biostatistics and bioinformatics services for individual-initiated grant applications or research protocols at all stages of grant preparation and project execution.

    4.    Research Unit/Research Group Support. CBBS faculty can provide biostatistics and bioinformatics support for whole research groups and academic units.  Such arrangements may cover biostatistical, bioinformatics as well as educational needs of faculty, research staff and students collaborating research unit.

    5.    Research Central Initiated Projects. We also provide biostatistics and bioinformatics support to investigators who are CCTST members and request assistance through Research Central: the portal for intake of CCTST requests. The CCTST provides vouchers, upon approval of the application. The same hourly rates apply for CCTST supported support. Please contact the visit the CCTST website for more information.
  • Center for Health Informatics (CHI)

    Center for Health Informatics

    The Center for Health Informatics is a University of Cincinnati service core focused on providing research data for departments in the UC College of Medicine and UC Health. Dedicated to assisting all research efforts, we provide initial study design and feasibility services at no cost through UC’s Center for Clinical & Translational Science & Training.

    The Center for Health Informatics is the designated honest broker to access UC Health patient data for research. All data requests for research purposes should be routed through our office. We maintain a close relationship with the Institutional Review Board and Office of Research to ensure data are properly accessed, delivered and logged based on university compliance requirements and federal law. We are experts in the process of de-identifying data sets. We will help you gain fast, efficient, compliant access to the data you need.

    Most clinical data requests are completed in less than two business days, while technology and analytics projects tend to be more involved. If your department participates in research, we urge you to consider research data management in your budget and grant planning.

    To access services from the CHI, please login or create an account in Stratocore at https://ppms.us/uc/start/

    Biomedical data informatics
    • Query and use of electronic health record data
    • Data acquisition and integration
    • Honest broker service
    • Big/complex data analysis
    • Molecular data analysis
    • Healthcare analytics
    Application and technology development  Custom software development:
    • EHR-based tools for research
    • Clinical decision support systems
    • Biostatistics
    • Custom web development
    • Specialty database, datamart, and research registry development
    • Mobile application development
    Grant/protocol/manuscript development and review
    Informatics education and training
    • Formal informatics education programs
    • Participatory learning and training programs
    Informatics consulting and collaboration
  • Chemical Sensors & Biosensors

    Necati Kaval

    See the associated equipment listings for information on the specific chemical measurement instruments.
  • Cincinnati Biobank Core Facility (CCHMC)

    Beth Cob

    We aim to promote world-class biomedical research by ensuring availability of the highest quality biospecimens to meet researchers’ needs. We provide access to services for standardized and centralized acquisition, processing, storage and distribution of biospecimens for research. These services are available to researchers at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, surrounding academic centers and beyond. We are also home to the Better Outcomes for Children (BofC) biorepository. BofC is an institution-wide initiative to collect and store leftover clinical samples for research use.
  • Cincinnati Intelligibility in Neurogenic Communication Impairments (CINCI) Lab

  • Clinical Studies Participant Recruitment Service

    Emily Werff, Manager, CSPRSC

    The Participant Recruitment and Clinical Research Service Center is a unique resource provided by the University Of Cincinnati Department Of Emergency Medicine to support research conducted across the Academic Health Center. The Center is staffed by a team of clinical research coordinators (CRC). Together, they provide a centralized, coordinated approach to screening and recruiting patients for research participation, collecting and processing specimen samples and data, and entering data into clinical trial databases. 

    Location & Hours: 
    CRCs are fully integrated into the Emergency Department at University of Cincinnati Medical Center, West Chester and Jewish hospitals, where they work in tandem with the clinical team. The Center staff is available 24hrs/day, 7 days/week.

    General Screening Services - $625/month (Internal); $995/month (External)
    • CRC availability 24hrs/day for screening and identification of potential study participants and/or healthy controls by monitoring newly-arrived Emergency Department patients through all available means, including patient tracking systems, ED rounds, and electronic health record review.
    Clinical Research Coordinator (CRC) Services - $37.50/hr (Internal); $60/hr (External) 
    • Study-specific screen – detailed screening assessment to determine inclusion/exclusion criteria, may include medical record review, consultation with treatment team, patient interview and/or assessment
    • Enrollment & consenting – move forward with enrollment of patients who agree to participate in an active therapeutic, interventional research study; this may include additional screening activities
    • Study-specific procedures/assessments – protocol specific procedures/assessments
    • Phlebotomy –  single-stick, blood draws for collection, analysis or shipping
    • Follow-Up – assist with telephone and interview follow-up procedures with enrolled subjects
    • Data/chart abstraction – medical record review to glean data for case report form completion
    • Training – each CRC is required to be trained on each new study protocol

  • Comprehensive Mouse and Cancer Core (CCHMC)

    Hartmut Geiger, PhD

    The Comprehensive Mouse and Cancer Core within the Division of Experimental Hematology and Cancer Biology at Cincinnati Children’s offers a number of services for researchers exploring cancer systems through animal models. The core is directed by  Hartmut Geiger. We provide animals from specific inbred mouse strains primarily used in cancer and hematopoietic research, offer cell transplant, harvest and irradiation services and can handle animal cancer model systems involving xenotransplant procedures.
  • Confocal Imaging Core (CCHMC)

    Matthew Kofron

    We will train you to use state-of-the-art confocal microscopes for your research. We provide access to confocal microscopes, deconvolution microscopes and computer analysis workstations. Once you’ve been trained by our staff, you may access our facilities 24 hours a day.
  • Critical Care MediaLab

    Ken Tegtmeyer, MD

    The Critical Care MediaLab develops high-quality video and animation to enhance medical education. Our expertise lies in clinical video and video editing as well as 3D animation.
  • Data Management Center

    Rachel Akers

    The Data Management Center (DMC) at Cincinnati Children’s supports researchers, and aims to improve clinical outcomes by leading the development of state-of-the-art data management. The DMC resides within the Division of Biostatistics and Epidemiology.
  • DNA Sequencing and Genotyping Facility

    Xueguang Sun

    We specialize in sequencing with template preparation from bacterial cultures, sequencing without template preparation and electrophoresis.
  • Engineering Research Center (ERC) Cleanroom

    The Engineering Research Center Clean Room is a central fabrication, processing, and characterization center intended to be used by a diverse campus wide research community. The more than 8000 square foot facility includes areas of class 10, 100, 1000, and 10,000 clean room spaces.  It includes lithography, deposition, etching, oxidation, diffusion, and characterization tools from nanoscale to microscale device fabrication.
  • Environmental Analysis Service Center (EASC)

    The Environmental Analysis Service Center (EASC) at University of Cincinnati is located on the 7th floor in Engineering Research Center on the uptown west campus of U. of Cincinnati. The EASC supports the application of mass spectrometry techniques in the field of chemistry, environmental sciences, pharmaceutical sciences, life sciences and medicine. Typically, we provide services of mass spectrometry analysis for non-targeted compound screening, impurity analysis, metabolomics, and molecular formula assignments for ACS publications (Accurate Mass Measurement or High Resolution Mass Spectrometry [HRMS]).  The EASC holds competitive rates with high quality data and fast turn-around time. We offer services to Universities, public agencies, and private corporations.  We look forward to serving your needs for mass spectrometry analysis. 

    If you need mass spectrometry analysis services, EASC is a choice.  EASC has the expertise to analyze your samples and provide you with solid data. For more information about the center, please visit our website at www.easc-uc.org.

    Photos and descriptions of lab instrumentation are on-line at: http://seebme.ceas.uc.edu/Research_Centers/EASC/Lab_Instrumentation.html
  • Fernald Database and Biospecimens Service

    Susan Pinney

    Mission: To provide a mechanism for sharing data and biospecimen from a large longitudinal cohort as a resource to researchers for approved studies.
    Description:  The Fernald Community Cohort consists of the 9782 persons who were enrolled in the Fernald Medical Monitoring Program (FMMP)(1990-2008). The comprehensive examinations conducted as part of the Fernald Medical Monitoring Program (FMMP) began in the autumn of 1990. The FMMP provided 9,782 initial examinations and 42,775 re-examinations over 18 years. An extensive computerized database and biospecimen repository was created to provide research resources for future studies. All questionnaire, examination and diagnostic procedure data collected from the FMMP were coded by certified medical record coders, double entered with verification into a SAS database on site of the examinations. Cryo-preserved blood and urine samples were collected at enrollment and at various intervals throughout follow-up.  At the first examination three 1-ml aliquots of whole blood, plasma, serum, urine and urine with buffer were obtained from each participant (15 aliquots per person) for future analyses.  Additional whole blood and serum was obtained in 1996-1997 and 2006-2008. Specimens have been stored in minus 80 degree freezers; over 160,000 biospecimens are in the archive. More information about the cohort and the “Access to Data and Biospecimen Policy” and application form can be found at www.eh.uc.edu/fmmp/research.

    Peter Skip Scheifele

    University of Cincinnati FETCHLAB is an internationally renowned animal hearing and bioacoustics laboratory. We conduct hearing screening and full audiological assessment and imaging for dogs as well as kennel and zoo/aquaria exhibit/life support system noise mapping, mitigation, and monitoring. The FETCHLAB is the first and only hearing clinic for animals in the United States capable of running full audiological diagnostic testing an analyses. We see dogs from all over the world.

    FETCHLAB supports the Department of Defense with clinical operations for multi-purpose canines and research topics including working dog post-traumatic stress injury and audiological disorders. Additionally, we support the Georgia Aquarium, Mystic Aquarium, Newport Aquarium and Indianapolis Zoo regarding auditory, sound production and noise issues with regard to their animals under professional care.
  • Gene Expression Core (CCHMC)

    S. Steven Potter, PhD

    If your research involves the study of developmental and disease processes, we can help you perform expression level analysis of thousands of genes in parallel. We use commercial microarrays available from Affymetrix and Illumina. We offer data analysis and guidance on preparing RNA for labeling.
  • Genomics, Epigenomics and Sequencing Core (GES Core)

    Xiang Zhang, PhD; Core Director & Assoc. Prof.

    The Genomics, Epigenomics and Sequencing Core (GES Core), originally named Genomics and Microarray Laboratory, was established in 1999. In 2012, the Core was transformed into the next generation sequencing-based facility, which provides services to researchers at the University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center as well as other institutions nationwide. Since then, the Core has been fully sustainable and always maintains financially healthy status. We now have one of the best equipped laboratories in the College of Medicine for the next generation sequencing, single cell sequencing and many other services in genomics and epigenomics.

    GES Core uses UC Stratocore for sample submission and billing. Here are the related links:
    Placing an order via UC Stratocore (required): https://ppms.us/uc/start/
    How to use UC Stratocore (important): https://med.uc.edu/depart/eh/cores/genomics/services-and-order

  • Imaging Research Center

    Charles Dumoulin, PhD

    We make modern imaging technology available to researchers. Services include a whole-body scanner with EEG monitoring, clinical MRI scanners, CT, PET-CT and gamma camera and scanners, fluoroscopy systems and longitudinal imaging for animals. 
  • Inhalation Core Facility

    Nick Balzarini

    The mission of the Inhalation Core Facility is to provide a controlled exposure system to mimic both first hand cigarette smoke exposure and second hand smoke exposure using a whole body exposure system.  In addition, we can provide individual mouse organs, serum, and cigarette smoke extract.

    Location & Hours:
    The core is located in the Cardiovascular Research Center (CVC) Room 4947. 
  • Investigational Pharmacy

    Denise Lagory, RPh

    The Cincinnati Children's Hospital Investigational Drug Service (IDS) provides services customized to each research protocol conducted at Cincinnati Children's. These services include randomization, inventory maintenance, all aspects of drug accountability, compounding and preparation of blinded dosage forms, developing pre-printed order forms and dispensing investigational drugs according to protocol. The IDS is responsible for both inpatient and outpatient investigational medication dispensing for industry sponsored, grant funded and investigator initiated protocols.
  • Live Microscopy Core (LMC)

    Chet Closson, Manager

    The Live Microscopy Core facility is designed to help investigators perform high resolution fluorescence imaging with both living and fixed specimens. The facility provides training and access to multiple laser scanning confocal microscopes, as well as widefield, stereo and dissection microscopes. Additional equipment available for use are a Laser Capture Microdissection instrument, multimode plate reader, Real-Time-PCR systems, infrared imager, and cryostat.

    NEW! We now have a high-end image analysis workstation with Imaris, as well as other common analysis tools such as ImageJ (FIJI), Leica LAS X, and Zeiss ZEN.

    To book equipment and/or access services from the LMC, please login or create an account in Stratocore at https://ppms.us/uc/start/.

    Location & Hours:
    The core is located in Medical Sciences Building Room 3155. It is open 24/7 for approved trained users, or from 9 am to 5 pm, Monday through Friday for technical assistance.
  • Mass Spectrometry Facility

    Pat Limbach

    Our facility is dedicated to inorganic, organic and biological mass spectrometry analyses. Our facility is one of the two primary centers for the State of Ohio Mass Spectrometry Consortium. Participating universities in this Consortium are the Ohio State Center, the Cincinnati Center, Akron, Toledo, Ohio University, Miami, Kent, Youngstown, as well as many other Ohio universities, clinics, and industrial laboratories. The University of Cincinnati Facility will not only provide access to the instruments at the Cincinnati Facility, but also all instruments at other participating universities. The Consortium is working to establish network links to allow rapid data transmission between various sites.
    Technical direction for the facility is provided by the Faculty Supervisor, Chemistry Professor Pat Limbach. Our staff, Dr.Stephen Macha and Dr. Larry Sallans maintain day-to-day operations in the facility. New users are invited to contact them to discuss your analysis needs at (513) 556-1575.
  • Mass Spectrometry Facility

    Kenneth Setchell, PhD

    The Mass Spectrometry Facility uses HPLC, FAB-MS, GC-MS and LC-MS/MS applications for screening and quantification of metabolites and drugs. Assays are fully validated to meet FDA/CAP requirements and the core operates under GLP standards and is CAP/CLIA accredited.
    We specialize in research programs focusing on hepatology, gastroenterology and nutrition with an emphasis on steroids, sterols and bile acids.
  • MEG and Neurophysiology Core

    Don Gilbert, MD

    We provide researchers with access to state of the art 275-channel whole head human magnetometry with data acquisition rates up to 12 kHz per channel. The system can also do simultaneous EEG recordings. We provide orientation to data collection with the magnetometer including a stimulus presentation computer for auditory, visual, somatosensory stimuli, and bimanual 5 finger response pads for task-based studies. 
  • Mouse Metabolic Phenotyping Center (MMPC)

    Erin Bartley, Program Coordinator

    The University of Cincinnati Mouse Metabolic Phenotyping Center is a comprehensive resource for the phenotypic characterization of mouse models pertaining to the study of diabetes and its complications. The Center is one of multiple Mouse Metabolic Phenotyping Centers supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIDDK)

    Our mission is to advance medical and biological research by providing the scientific community with standardized, high quality metabolic and physiologic phenotyping services for mouse models of diabetes, diabetic complications, obesity and related disorders. 

    We specialize in the immunological aspects of Type I diabetes, measurement of various glucose and lipid metabolism parameters relevant to Type II diabetes as well as diabetic complications such as heart disease and obesity.

    UC MMPC Services
  • NMR-based Metabolomics Core

    Lindsey Romick-Rosendale

    The NMR-based Metabolomics Core will provide technology that will help clinical and basic scientists develop rapid detection methods, as well as elucidate the complex metabolic pathways involved in a number of diseases and infections. A more comprehensive understanding of metabolism can lead to such advances as a more personalized approach to drug therapies. We provide all NMR –related metabolomics services on human and animal cells, biopsies and biological fluids. We strive to foster collaborative efforts that will advance translational research using metabolomics approaches.
  • Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Facility

    Alex Greenwood

    The NMR facility in the Chemistry department currently houses three solution NMR instruments ranging from 400-500 MHz. These include two walk-up Bruker 400s (an AVANCE NEO and an AVANCE I) with Z-Grad BBFO (Z-Gradient Broadband and Fluorine Observe) ATM (Automatic Tune and Match) probes and SampleXpress Lite automatic sample changers, and a Bruker DMX-500 with Z-Grad triple and double resonance probes. The NMR facility is capable of proton, carbon-13 and other multi-nuclear NMR in one, two, and three dimensions. Common experiments include HSQC (Heteronuclear Single-Quantum Coherence), COSY (COrrelated SpectroscopY), NOESY (Nuclear Overhauser Enhancement SpectroscopY), and DOSY (Diffusion-Ordered SpectroscopY). 
    Location & Hours:
    The Chemistry NMR facility is located in Crosley Tower, rooms 123 and 108. Walk-up instruments are available 24/7 for trained users.
  • Ohio Center for Microfluidic Innovation (OCMI)

    The Ohio Center for Microfluidic Innovation (OCMI) at the University of Cincinnati was created by the Ohio 3rd Frontier Wright Projects Program, and provides a complete tool set needed to take microfluidic and point-of-care devices through the entire development process, from concept to pilot fabrication.
  • Pathology Research Core

    Our services include tissue trimming, processing and embedding, slide sectioning, H&E staining, special staining, immunohistochemistry, in situ hybridization, antibody or probe workup and electron microscopy. We will help you interpret results and, if desired, will collaborate on publications. 
  • Plasma Spectrochemical Analysis and Metallomics Center

    This core facility specializes in the analysis of complex samples for elemental quantification and chemical
  • Pluripotent Stem Cell Facility

    James Wells, PhD

    We are dedicated to providing high-quality, well-characterized  and reliably archived human embryonic stem cells for distribution to researchers. Additionally, the facility will provide investigators with reagents and expertise for the generation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) as well as expert training in the protocols and techniques for proper handling and manipulation of human pluripotent stem cells. Our mission is to facilitate all aspects of pluripotent stem cell experimentation to contribute to advancing stem cell therapies for human disease. 
  • Preclinical Imaging Core (PIC)

    Lisa Lemen, PhD

    The Core was established to provide non-invasive multimodal imaging capabilities optimized for rodent imaging to the UC research community. The facility specializes in micro-CT and micro-PET/SPECT and MRI for longitudinal research projects in small animal models, but also provides bioluminescence, fluorescence and planar x-ray imaging capabilites. A XenX cabinet irradiator is available for cell, focal, and whole-rodent irradiation. All imaging and irradiation systems have integrated isoflurane anesthesia delivery and scavenging units. The Core actively supports research in cancer and other progressive diseases, and a variety of surgical and bioengineering projects. The PIC is staffed with personnel with extensive experience in imaging technology to assist in the design, execution, and interpretation of the data.  With locations within and directly adjacent to the university vivarium and with standard IUCAC protocols in place for the PIC’s scan modalities, access to the services is readily available to the research community

    To access services from the PIC, please login or create an account in Stratocore at https://ppms.us/uc/start/.

    Location and Hours:
    Vontz Center Rm 0330 (basement- restricted access - call lab 558-7930)
    M-F  8:30am-5pm; or as arranged

    Announcement Jan 2023
    The Bruker 9.4T small animal MRI in MSB 4106 is now being managed through the PIC. It is a vertical bore spectrometer with a gradient insert for imaging,  The system is currently optimized for mouse brain imaging. Please contact the lab for further information. 

    Announcement Jan 2019
    A XenX closed cabinet x-ray irradiator with a rotational gantry, designed for irradiation of cells and rodents is now available.  The system provides whole-body and focal irradiation treatments.  Please contact the lab or Michael Lamba (584-9028, michael.lamba@uc.edu) for further information.

    Announcement  Sept 2018
    Bioluminescence and Fluorescence imaging services are available to PIs within the UC-COM LAMS mouse facilities – mice housed in the LAMS Vontz and MSB facilities remain behind the barrier for their imaging sessions and are returned to their original rooms. Please contact the lab for further information. 
  • Pyrosequencing Core (CCHMC)

    Hong Ji, PhD

    Our shared facility specializes in measuring locus-specific DNA methylation, genetic variations and mutations in a high throughput fashion.
  • Research Flow Cytometry Core

    Sherry Thornton, PhD

    We will train you to use cytometers for your research. We provide cell sorting, data analysis, and even computer workstations. Once you’ve been trained by our staff, you may access our facilities 24 hours a day. 
  • Richard C. Elder X-Ray Crystallography Facility

    Jeanette Krause

    A Facility for the analysis of single crystal chemical crystallography. In 1986 the Chemistry Department formally established a Single Crystal X-ray Facility open to all researchers. In 2003, as a result of an NSF-MRI grant, the Facility was totally upgraded, housing a Bruker SMART6000 CCD diffractometer system.
    The Facility is intimately involved in graduate and undergraduate research. Also active in research projects with groups engaged in NSF-REU, NSF-URC, REWU-WISE and ACS-Project Seed sponsored programs.
  • The Health Equity through Advocacy, Risk-reduction, and Transformation (HEART) Hub

    Dr. Francoise Knox-Kazimierczuk

    The Health Equity through Advocacy, Risk-reduction, and Transformation (HEART) Hub, is community-based collaborative research lab led by Dr. Knox-Kazimierczuk. Central to the lab's work is the convening of community to co-create the learning, social experiences, and political movements that are needed to thrive. As we look towards the future, our work is moving us even closer together, with the focus on Black Women’s Health. Dr. Knox-Kazimierczuk has worked extensively in this area, researching gestational hypertension & diabetes, focusing on reducing breastfeeding disparities, exploring the birthing experiences of Black women in Hamilton County, and investigating perceptions of co-sleeping/co-bedding and safety. Each of these studies has contributed invaluable insights that have directly informed local program development aimed at reducing maternal and infant morbidity and mortality.
  • Transgenic Animal and Genome Editing Core Facility

    Yueh-Chiang Hu, PhD

    We provide streamlined service from DNA to founder animals. We use the latest genome-editing technologies, such as CRISPR-Cas9 and TALEN, to generate animals carrying multiple knockout or knock-in alleles in a highly efficient and time-saving fashion. We also provide conventional approaches to generate transgenic mice by pronuclear microinjection and chimeric mice using embryonic stem cells. The facility has also undertaken several new initiatives including implementation of a fast CRISPR-Cas9 genetic screen system and generation of genetically modified rats. Other services available in the facility include cell targeting, targeting vector construction, sperm and embryo cryopreservation, BAC transgenics, ICSI, mouse recovery from cryopreserved sperm, and embryo transfer (re-derivation).

    Lilith Reeves

    The Translational Core Labs include the Viral Vector Core, the Vector Production Facility, the Stem Cell Processing Lab, the Cell Manipulations Lab and the Translational Trial Development and Support Lab (TTDSL). We specialize in the translation and scale up of gene therapy and cell therapy including iPSC and HEK in addition to the patient testing associated with these trials.
  • Translational Trials Developmental and Support Laboratory (TTDSL)

    Scott Witting

    We coordinate and perform cellular and molecular testing required to document purity, function, clonal composition and overall safety of research preparations and preclinical and clinical samples. This is a CAP / CLIA-certified laboratory.
  • UC Flow Cytometry Core

    William Miller PhD

    The Flow Core supports a Beckman CytoFLEX S with 9 detectors and 4 lasers in CARE 2874 and a FACSCalibur 4 color flow cytometer system in CARE 2876.  Access is available 24 hrs a day and 7 days per week once investigators are registered in Stratocore and approved by the core director.

    To book equipment and/or access services from the Flow Core, please login or create an account in Stratocore at https://ppms.us/uc/start/.

    For access to the instruments and the online calendar, please contact Dr. Miller.
  • UC Proteomics Laboratory (UCPL)

    Ken Greis, PhD., Director

    To access services from the UCPL, please login or create an account in Stratocore at https://ppms.us/uc/start/

    Standard Service
    • Protein identification by Mass Spectrometry
    • Characterization of Protein Complexes
    • Confirming and Mapping Protein Modification sites
    • Comparative protein profiling:
      • Comparative MS-based profiling using Label-Free Quantitation (LFQ) and Isotope Tagging methods (SILAC, TMTs)
      • Protein proximity analyses for BioID, APEX and related methods

    Advanced Services/Collaborative Projects
    • Global Profiling of Protein Modifications (e.g. phospho, ubiquitin)
    • Complex MRM quantitation of targeted proteins
    • Enzyme assays and inhibitor screening by MS
    Location & Hours:
    The UCPL is located in the Vontz Center for Molecular Studies 1208-1216. Staff are typically available M-F, 9A-6P to accept samples, but please call 513 558-4057 to confirm.  First time customers should include a discussion with the director or associate director prior to preparing samples.
  • UC Radiology Imaging Services Core Laboratory (RISC)

    Achala Vagal, MD, MS, Core Director, Professor of Radiology, Executive Vice Chair and Vice Chair of Research, Radiology

    To access services from the RISC, please submit a request at https://redcap.link/9akrtrfw.

    Standard Services
    • Consultation for Imaging needs of research projects.
    • Imaging Infrastructure setup. All research projects that have an imaging component will require an imaging infrastructure that must be setup, rigorously tested prior to the start of the project, and then maintained throughout the project period. Typical workflow includes the following steps:
      1. Regulatory and administrative tasks
      2. Imaging infrastructure setup, customization, and testing 
      3. Imaging data ingestion 
      4. Deidentification of the imaging data
      5. QA and QC of imaging data 
      6. Creating imaging CRF
      7. Safety monitoring workflow
      8. Imaging data processing, harmonization, cleanup, and routing 
      9. Data storage and backup 
      10. Long term archival of data 

    The RISC is located in the Medical Science Building, Suite E685. First time customers should include a discussion with the core director or research manager.
  • UCCC Biospecimen Shared Resource (UCCC-BSR)

    Kelsey Dillehay McKillip, PhD - Director

    The UCCC Biospecimen Shared Resource (UCCC-BSR) is a fee-for-service biospecimen procurement and storage facility that collects, stores, and dispenses high-quality human biospecimens in support of clinical, translational, and basic research. 

    The UCCC-BSR provides access to a large and growing collection of biospecimens, including malignant tissues with matched normal tissue, blood, and urine. The UCCC-BSR also provides fit-for-purpose prospective biospecimen procurement services tailored to study specific requirements. 

    Investigators who are interested in accessing banked biospecimen should complete a Sample Request Form.  For prospective collection services please contact Kelsey Dillehay McKillip. 

    To access services from the UCCC-BSR, please login or create an account in Stratocore at https://ppms.us/uc/start/
  • University of Cincinnati Evaluation Services Center

    Audra Morrison, Assistant Director

    UCESC has functioned as an independent service center at the University of Cincinnati since 1996. UCESC provides research, evaluation, assessment, and consulting services to equip clients and partners to make data-based decisions for accountability, continuous quality improvement, program planning, and program and policy development. UCESC employs a collaborative model, starting with the pre-proposal phase, and has provided comprehensive external evaluation and research services to UC units, schools and school districts, higher education, professional development providers, childcare and early childhood education providers, and health-related and social service organizations. 
  • Vector Production Facility

    Bill Swaney

    We provide GMP-grade viral vectors, master cell banks and master viral banks in support of gene therapy trials. 
  • Veterinary Services

    Gary Keller, DVM

    We offer routine and specialized husbandry, surgical support and expert consultation on regulatory issues (IACUC submissions) and animal transfers.
  • Viral Vector Core

    William Swaney

    We provide research-grade retroviral lentiviral and adeno-associated virus vectors.