Pachan , Mary
Asst Professor - Clin Geo
Packard , Benjamin
Research Associate
Padgett , Lucas
Medical Resident/Fellow
Pagan , AJ
Medical Resident/Fellow
Pajor , Holly
Assoc Professor - Clin Geo
Pallerla , Harini
Principal Research Asst
Palmaccio-Lawton , Samantha
Asst Professor - Clin Aff
Palocko , Bradley
Medical Resident/Fellow
Palumbo , Joseph
Professor - Research Aff
Pan , Brian
Assoc Professor - Clin Aff
Panchal , Kalpeshkumar
Asst Professor - Clin Geo
Pancioli , Arthur
Professor - Geo
Pandey , Manoj
Asst Professor - Research Aff
Pandey , Vidhu
Medical Resident/Fellow
Panko , Tye
Nurse Practitioner - COM
Panmanee , Noot
Research Associate
Panwala , Amruta
Asst Professor - Clin Geo
Pan , Yang
Asst Professor - Clin Geo
Panza , Antonio
Professor - Clin Geo
Paquette , Ian
Professor - Clin Geo
Paquin , Jason
Asst Professor - Clin Geo
Parameswaran , Priyanka
Medical Resident/Fellow
Parawira , Sandra
Nurse Practitioner - COM
Pargament , Jonathan
Asst Professor - Adj
Parham , Imari
Medical Resident/Fellow
Parikh , Ankur
Medical Resident/Fellow
Parikh , Priya
Medical Resident/Fellow
Parikh , Shital
Professor - Clin Aff
Park , Charles
Asst Professor - Adj COM
Parker , Christopher
Post Doc Fellow
Parker , Kyra
Clinical Research Professional
Parker , Nicole
Program Director Academic
Parthasarathy , Purnima
Assoc Professor - Clin Geo
Paruchuri , Neha
Medical Resident/Fellow
Pasare , Chandrashekhar
Professor - Aff
Pasqualicchio , Patrick
Medical Resident/Fellow
Pasula , Raj
Research Associate
Patel , Deep
Asst Professor - Adj COM
Patel , Jaymin
Medical Resident/Fellow
Patel , Kavya
Asst Professor - Clin Geo
Patel , Manish
Professor - Clin Aff
Patel , Niralee
Assoc Professor - Clin Geo
Patel , Parth
Asst Professor - Clin Geo
Patel , Ripal
Medical Resident/Fellow
Patel , Sameer
Assoc Professor - Clin Geo
Patel , Shailendra
Professor - Geo
Patel , Shivani
Medical Resident/Fellow
Patel , Smruti
Asst Professor - Clin Aff
Patel , Sonali
Medical Resident/Fellow
Patel , Veer
Asst Professor - Adj COM
Pateqi , Nancy
Medical Resident/Fellow
Pater , Luke
Professor - Clin Geo
Pathrose , Peterson
Sr Research Associate
Patil , Nilesh
Professor - Clin Geo
Patino Duran , Luis
Asst Professor - Clin Geo
Patino , Mario
Professor - Clin Aff
Patra , Krushna
Asst Professor
Pattabhi , Prasad
Research Assistant
Paulding , David
Pauley , Rachel
Asst Professor - Clin Geo
Paul , Rose
Business Manager Finance - COM
Pawlik , Cameron
Medical Resident/Fellow
Paxhia-Poppaw , Zoe
Graduate Assistant
Peach , Taylor
Graduate Assistant
Pearce , Anjali
Assoc Professor - Clin Geo
Peariso , Katrina
Assoc Professor - Adj COM
Peck , Amanda
Medical Resident/Fellow
Pedapati , Ernest
Assoc Professor - Clin Aff
Peebles , Venois
Program Manager
Pegram , Mike
Nurse Practitioner - COM
Peiris , Shanaka
Asst Professor - Clin Geo
Peiro , Jose
Professor - Clin Aff
Pek , Nicole
Graduate Assistant
Pelle , Maggie
Nurse Practitioner - COM
Pemberton , Merissa
Sr Clinical Research Professional
Pendery , Allie
Medical Resident/Fellow
Peng , Robin
Physician Assistant - COM
Pennington , Jordan
Medical Resident/Fellow
Pensak , Meredith
Assoc Professor - Volunteer
Perentesis , John
Professor - Aff
Perez , Alexandra
Graduate Assistant
Perez , Althea Anne
Medical Resident/Fellow
Perez , Hilary
Clinical Research Manager - COM
Perez , Maria
Medical Resident/Fellow
Perez-Tilve , Diego
Assoc Professor - Research
Perkins , Amy
Nurse Practitioner - COM
Perry , Allison
Medical Resident/Fellow
Perry , Tillen
Nurse Practitioner - COM
Pestian , John
Professor - Aff
Peter , Josh
Graduate Assistant
Petersen , Lauren
Medical Resident/Fellow
Peters , Evan
Graduate Assistant
Peterson , Sarah
Medical Resident/Fellow
Petrides , Artemis
Assoc Professor - Adj COM
Petrie , Marlena
Sr Research Assistant
Petrovic , Steven
Exec Dir Business and Admin - COM
Pettibone , Zachary
Asst Professor - Clin Geo
Pham , Nhat
Medical Resident/Fellow
Pham , Van
Asst Professor - Clin Geo
Phelan , Kieran
Graduate Assistant
Phero , James
Asst Professor - Clin Geo
Phillips , Katie
Assoc Professor - Clin Geo
Phillips , Quentin
Graduate Assistant
Phillips , William
Medical Resident/Fellow
Pichardo , Priscilla
Instructor - Clin Fellow Geo
Pickard-Gabriel , Christopher
Asst Professor - Volunteer
Pickle , Sarah
Assoc Professor - Clin Geo
Piero , Nicole
Nurse Practitioner - COM
Pieters , Zachary
Medical Resident/Fellow
Pike , Kelson
Medical Resident/Fellow
Pillay Smiley , Natasha
Assoc Professor - Clin Aff
Pina , Elsira
Professor - Clin Geo
Pinder , Leeya
Assoc Professor - Clin Geo
Pinney , Susan
Pinto Cesar , Anna
Physician Assistant - COM
Piper , Laura
Asst Professor - Clin Aff
Pippin , Adam
Asst Professor - Research
Piron , Margaret
Medical Resident/Fellow
Pitstick , Lori
Principal Research Asst
Pitt , Sunny
Asst Professor - Clin Aff
Pixley , Sarah
Assoc Professor
Plageman , Lauren
Nurse Practitioner - COM
Plas , David
Plattner , Courtney
Asst Professor - Clin Geo
Plesha , Valerie
Graduate Assistant
Pleuhs , Benedikt
Medical Resident/Fellow
Plews , Robert
Asst Professor - Clin Geo
Plummer , Pamela
Clinical Research Project Mgr
Polasko , Anne
Licensed Independent Social Worker - COM
Polites , Andrew
Medical Resident/Fellow
Pollack , Gayle
Asst To
Pomerantz , Wendy
Professor - Clin Aff
Pommert , Lauren
Asst Professor - Clin Aff
Ponnaboina , Divya Madhuri
Medical Resident/Fellow
Ponsky , Todd
Professor - Clin Aff
Burbage , Carrie
Lead Advanced Practice Provider - COM
Porollo , Alexey
Assoc Professor - Research Aff
Porter , Amanda
Nurse Practitioner - COM
Portillo , Marie
Nurse Practitioner - COM
Postma , Brea
Medical Resident/Fellow
Pourriahi , Mahyar
Asst Professor - Clin Geo
Powell , Drew
Asst Professor - Clin Aff
Powell , Eleanor
Assoc Professor - Clin Geo
Powell , Erik
Assoc Professor - Clin Geo
Power-Hays , Alexandra
Asst Professor - Clin Aff
Power , Jay
Clinical Trial Contract Admin - COM
Power , Laura
Nurse Practitioner - COM
Powers , Cameron
Nurse Practitioner - COM
Powers , Jennifer
Sr Clinical Research Professional
Pracha , Shams
Asst Professor - Clin Geo
Prasad , Mahima
Instructor - Clin Geo
Prasanphanich , Adam
Asst Professor - Clin Aff
Prasath , Surya
Asst Professor - Research Aff
Pratt , Catherine
Medical Resident/Fellow
Pratt , David
Asst Professor - Clin Geo
Pratt , Rhia
Program Coordinator
Prescott , Cat
HR Coordinator - COM
Prestigiacomo , Charles
Professor - Clin GEO
Preston , Jordan
Medical Resident/Fellow
Price , Adam
Medical Resident/Fellow
Price , LaMar
Graduate Assistant
Price , Mason
Medical Resident/Fellow
Price , Sarah
Nurse Practitioner - COM
Pritchard , Tracy
Asst Dean
Pritts , Sarah
Assoc Professor - Adj
Pritts , Timothy
Professor - Clin Geo
Vinnedge , Lisa
Assoc Professor - Research Aff
Privitera , Michael
Professor - Geo
Prokopius , Michael
Assoc Professor - Adj COM
Propsom , Kat
Graduate Assistant
Provaznik , Katherine
Medical Resident/Fellow
Prows , Daniel
Assoc Professor - Aff
Prudente , Arthur
Post Doc Fellow
Pruitt , David
Professor - Clin Aff
Prus , Kristina
Asst Professor - Clin Aff
Puckett , Samantha
Asst Professor - Clin Geo
Lead Advanced Practice Provider - COM
Puthoff , Justin
Medical Resident/Fellow
Puthota , Aruna
Physician - UCP
Putnam , Michael
Asst Professor - Clin Geo